Note: This is a follow up to my previous article on COVID-19, the famed Coronavirus. If you have not yet read it, you can do so here.
There is a famous dictum in crime
detection: cui bono? Who benefits? Real life crimes are usually nothing
like Agatha Christie whodunits, with incredibly complex plots laid far in
advance and the least likely person axiomatically the villain. Real life
criminal behaviour is more often like the mugger who waits in a dark alley and
attacks anyone alone and vulnerable-looking who happens to come by. Making use
of opportunity, as it were.
This applies to criminals on the individual
level. It applies to criminal activity in and by corporate entities. It applies
in the governments owned by said corporate entities. It applies to the
behaviour of entire criminal countries.
It even applies to the mechanism
of action of that famous virus owing to fear of which half the planet is hiding
under their beds, COVID-19.
You don’t understand? I will be
happy to explain.
Most people, unless afflicted by
some rather rare conditions, have a defence mechanism in their bodies known as
the immune system. This isn’t a place to go into the mechanics of the immune
system, but basically it is meant to repel the trillions of microorganisms that
populate the world around, on, and in, every single one of our bodies. Yes, you
are crawling with microorganisms: bacteria swarm over your skin and in your
mouth and intestines, protozoa crawl around the crevices of your gums, tiny
mites burrow in your eyelash and hair follicles, eating the oil your skin
produces, and, yes, there are viruses. Viruses are everywhere.
A bit about viruses and immune
For the benefit of everyone, let
me repeat exactly how a virus works. There is a lot of controversy over whether
a virus is a living thing or otherwise; one school of opinion holds that since
it is totally inactive outside a living cell, a virus should be called a “particle”,
not an organism. Nor does it display most of the typical activities of living
organisms, in that it does not ingest food or drink, metabolise, or excrete.
But it does one thing in common with all living organisms: it reproduces. Oh,
how it reproduces.
Here is a schematic of a typical
virus: it basically consists of a core of genetic material, which may be DNA or
RNA, surrounded by a protein capsule, which may or may not be, depending on
type, covered in turn by a lipid (oil) coat. As they say, quite correctly, a
chicken is an egg’s way of crating another egg; in viruses, the “chicken” part
has been dispensed with and the virus’ existence consists entirely of
reproducing its genetic core of DNA or RNA.
In “normal” living things, here is
how reproduction works: the organism in question absorbs enough nutrients –
whether from food, sucking up nutrients from the soil, or absorption from a
host organism is immaterial – until enough material and energy have been built up
that it can expend some of that material and energy into creating another
organism. Whether it does so by splitting like a bacterium or amoeba, or puts
forth buds like a hydra, or pollen and ova like a plant, or mycelia like a fungus,
or indeed sperm and ova like so-called higher animals is immaterial; the
process involves the organism using its own stored body mass and energy in
reproducing itself.
Viruses do no such thing. What they
do is invade a cell, breaking through its cell wall or membrane, and then hijack
the cell’s own genetic material – a DNA virus the DNA, an RNA virus the RNA
– and set it to creating copies of the virus’ own genes. This means that parts
of the cell’s genetic material is cut and spliced into the new viral genetic
cores, which are then surrounded by proteins and lipids also taken from the
cell and used to cover the new cores. Then, when all this is done, the new viruses,
or if you would prefer, viral particles, burst out of the cell and set out to
find new cells, where they repeat the whole process over again, from the start.
Therefore the viruses are born full grown and they only exist in the complete
viral shape until they can find another cell and start reproducing themselves
again. The majority of viruses, incidentally, are RNA viruses.
All clear so far?
Now, normal microorganisms in a
body, like bacteria or protozoa, face a constant running battle with the host’s
immune system. A malarial parasite, for example, has evolved fascinating
mechanisms to hide from the host’s immune response, which is a considerable
feat because the immune system is both extremely active and highly effective.
However, immune systems have more difficulties dealing with viruses than with
bacteria and protozoa, first, because they are very small, and, secondly,
because they tend to hide inside the host’s own cells. This, while most
bacterial and protozoal invasions are eliminated before they can actually do
any harm, viruses much more often manage to start an infection. Thereafter, the
body’s (I am talking of a host that’s an animal here, with the ability to
control its body temperature, an ability restricted to birds and mammals)
immune system’s response to an infection tends to comprise two things. First,
it tries to make the body’s environment as hostile to the infectious agent as
possible, by raising the body’s temperature beyond the level the virus can
tolerate; this is known as a fever. Secondly, if the infection affects
the respiratory system or digestive system, the body also attempts to flush the
infective agent out. In the gut this normally results in diarrhoea. In the
respiratory system this results in the production of liquid secretions in copious
quantities – phlegm or mucus – which is then expelled in the form of sneezing
and coughing.
Fever, sneezing and
these symptoms sound familiar? They should, unless you’ve never had a cold in
your life, or a bout of influenza, or known anyone who has.
So, to recapitulate so far:
viruses exist to copy themselves, they copy themselves inside a host cell, and
the body’s immune system attempts to get rid of them by throwing them out,
apart from raising the temperature to a fever.
So, once the immune system begins
working, most viral infections are eventually eliminated. Some, like
rabies, are almost invariably fatal, but we aren’t concerned with them here.
And because the immune system doesn’t want to have to do the work all over
again, it attempts to create something called antibodies.
What are antibodies? In a science
fiction novel (I don’t remember the name) I read long, long ago, the
protagonist, whose name was Carmody if I’m not mistaken, finds himself
transferred to a series of parallel universes, in each of which there appears,
soon after his own appearance, a predator “with claws shaped to seize nothing
but Carmodys, with jaws adapted to eat nothing but Carmodys, whose entire existence
is dedicated to restoring the balance by eliminating Carmodys.” Only in his own
universe, assuming he can find it, can Carmody be free of this uniquely-shaped
Carmody-eating predator. Similarly, antibodies are the host’s immune system’s
response to the virus it has already encountered; each antibody is tailored to
the form and chemical composition of the invading virus’ outer coat (the inner
genetic core being inaccessible). The antibody will seize the virus it is
designed for, and only the virus it is designed for, and eliminate it
before it can enter a cell and start making new viruses. If another virus
enters, this antibody is as helpless as the Carmody-predator would be if a
Purkayastha entered its parallel universe. It’s able to eat Carmodys, it can’t
do a thing to Purkayasthas. The parallel universe needs to develop a
Purkayastha-predator for that.
At this point you’re probably
asking yourself why I have written this long rigmarole. You’ll soon find out.
Now, suppose we have a healthy
person who’s youngish, fairly strong, and reasonably medically fit; even if he
(or she, or any of the 12345 other gender pronouns the liberals babble about,
let’s just assume we’re talking about all of them here) has an infection that
makes it past his immune system at the start, he is likely to be robust enough
to survive the disease. If he is infected with only a few individual viruses,
rather than a mass of them all at once, he will only get a few cells infected
by those viruses at the start, which will then infect another (larger number
but still relatively) few cells, and therefore his infection will be slow to develop
and spread. This will in turn give his immune system time to organise,
recognise the disease, and take defensive measures. Imagine a situation where
an entire unit of ISIS terrorists storms a building, overwhelming the guards
and massacring everyone they can find. Compare it to a situation where a single
psycho with a gun infiltrates the building, and moves along the passages,
shooting people one by one and tracked on CCTV. The rest of the building can be
evacuated, said psychopath isolated and eliminated before too much damage is
done. The situation is exactly the same.
However, if your building is not
of sound construction; if years of wear and tear and neglect have weakened
the supports, crumbled load bearing walls, clogged the sprinklers, shorted out
the CCTV, and made the fire escapes inaccessible and unusable – why, then, the
intruder can hide in disused rooms, bypass the police sent to flush him out,
and, if he’s well armed enough, say if he’s wearing a suicide vest – he can
bring down the building itself with a well-timed explosion. Then you don’t need
an entire ISIS unit to destroy the building – one man can do it just as well. Even grenades used by the security forces to eliminate that one man can bring down the building around their ears.
Similarly, if a virus infects a person with a sound immune system, it’s likely
that he’ll be able to live through it; if few enough viruses infect him he may
not even realise he’s infected. This is known as a subclinical or asymptomatic
infection. Such infections are extremely well known, and not just among
viruses; the infamous Typhoid Mary was a cook who, while herself never
suffering the slightest symptom, was a lifelong carrier of the typhoid
bacterium and inadvertently killed several people who employed her by giving
them typhoid. However, if he has other medical problems, or if his immune
system is malfunctioning – for instance if he’s got HIV or if he’s an organ
transplant patient and is on immunosuppressive drugs as a consequence – even a
few viruses can spread sufficiently to kill him.
Now what inevitable physical
transformation tends to load the body with a list of debilitating health
disorders? What leads to a steady deterioration of function of most organs?
Right, it’s the phenomenon of ageing. The human body is now living well
beyond – two to three times beyond – the span it would realistically survive in
nature. It’s simply not evolved to function as well after the reproductive
years are over as it would during them; genetically speaking, anyone not able
to reproduce is dead. Therefore someone at 80 years of age is much weaker,
health-wise, than someone at 30 or 40. Someone at 80 has a body that’s in the
same state as that building brought down by one terrorist with a suicide vest.
It is absolutely not a
coincidence that the mean age of death of the dead in Italy – allegedly the
world centre of COVID-19 infections now – is just over 80. It is exactly what
would be expected of a virus that finds a weakened and debilitated victim and
therefore can take full advantage, as compared to one faced with a much tougher
Think back again to the mugger in
the dark alley, faced with two potential targets. One’s a bodybuilder, the
other a pensioner with a limp. Who is he more likely to attack successfully?
Like a mugger, viruses find
greater success when they attack a weaker victim. And since there are many more
viruses than muggers, if they attack enough victims in a short period, they can
cause a significant amount of damage overall just by the success of their
efforts in the bodies of ageing and debilitated individuals. It’s like our ISIS
terrorist unit spreading out to attack multiple buildings instead of just one,
with one or two to each building. Most of them will do minimal damage, but
enough will find debilitated constructions that are on their last legs to cause
more widespread devastation than they would have if they’d just assaulted one
single building. And if they are in a city with many old buildings, their chances
of success are that much the greater.
Is it clear now why the
ageing societies of countries like Italy and Spain, with a greying population
and a high number of retirees, have a far higher death rate than countries with
younger populations from this epidemic? Is it possible to understand that the
virus doesn’t actually even have to kill anyone directly, just overload their
bodies’ ability to resist so that the other problems – such as the building’s
weakened support beams, broken load bearing walls, and non-functional sprinkler
systems – are enough to bring it down?
In fact, according to the Italians’
own figures, the average age of the dead in this current epidemic is 80.5
years. At that age, literally any infection is enough to kill you. You don’t
need COVID-19 to do that. Not only this, the Italians’ own figures also say
that as many as 99% of the dead had one or more pre-existing medical
conditions, and, what’s even more interesting, 88% of them died from other
illnesses, with COVID-19 only being among those present. In other words,
they died with COVID-19, not of COVID-19.
Also, the actual number of infections from COVID-19 is almost certainly many, many times higher than the official figure, simply because most people who are invaded by only a few viruses, or are in good health, or both, never notice it. That also means the actual death rate is infinitely lower than the official figure. The actual death rate from COVID-19 in Wuhan, the alleged epicentre, was a shockingly high 0.12%!
Also, the actual number of infections from COVID-19 is almost certainly many, many times higher than the official figure, simply because most people who are invaded by only a few viruses, or are in good health, or both, never notice it. That also means the actual death rate is infinitely lower than the official figure. The actual death rate from COVID-19 in Wuhan, the alleged epicentre, was a shockingly high 0.12%!
But if you read and listen to the
so-called mainstream media, you won’t ever hear about this.
And that brings me to the main
Crime and Opportunity: the viral
model of criminal governance:
Let me say this and get it over
with: most governments in the world today act exactly like viruses. They – and,
more importantly, the corporate interests that own them – are constantly
on the lookout for what they can get away with, and they constantly exploit any
opportunities that they can find to increase their control, and, more
importantly, their profits. And, whenever possible, they exploit their
populations’ energy, money, and property to achieve their goals, rather than
pay for these from their own wealth.
Therefore, whatever they may
claim, the current COVID-19 pandemic represents, to governments and corporate
interests, not so much a threat as an opportunity – one that they
are going to exploit for all it’s worth. Please keep this in mind when you hear
any official pronouncement on this virus; unless the pronouncement is from an
internationally renowned microbiologist, you can be certain that it’s designed
to help someone, somewhere, make a profit.
Let’s talk about vaccines,
which seem to be the big subject right now. To understand what a vaccine is
and does, you’ll have to hark back to what I said about how a virus
reproduces, and the antibodies the immune system creates. Vaccines are,
basically, artificially produced antibodies, introduced into the body in the
hope that if and when the body is attacked by the organism the antibody is
matched to, the antibody will already be there and the infective agent will be
eliminated before it can do any harm. No – no! – a vaccine does not, and
cannot, cure anything. It can only prevent disease if the vaccinated
person is subsequently attacked by the particular agent the vaccine is meant
for. If you will, it’s as though the Carmody-predator is already present in a
parallel universe before Carmody pops into it, so that its Carmody-shaped jaws
can swallow him in a gulp immediately. But this only works if Carmody is still
Carmody; if he changes into someone else while jumping universes, the
Carmody-predator can’t touch him.
Have you ever copied out a page from
a book or newspaper? If you have, chances are that you’ve made a couple of
mistakes. Minor mistakes, perhaps, but mistakes. If you’ve copied out a larger
text, say a chapter, the chances of your making a mistake is much greater. If
you’ve copied the whole book, you’ve almost certainly made numerous mistakes.
The more you copy, the more mistakes you make. It’s natural. And if you don’t
have the time or patience to check back and correct them, those mistakes will
stay; anyone who copies your copy will also copy them as well as making his own
Exactly the same way, as genetic
material is copied – whether it is to form a sperm or egg or a new virus –
mistakes tend to occur. The more the copying, the more the mistakes. These
mistakes are known as mutations, and since the characteristics of an
organism depend on the genetic material it has (that’s why you tend to look
like your parents), any mutation tends to change those characteristics. For a
slow-reproducing animal like a human or an elephant or a blue whale mutations
are also slow and take hundreds of thousands of years to build up to make any
major change. For organisms that reproduce very quickly, however, like
bacteria, mutations are much quicker. And for viruses, which only reproduce and
literally do nothing else – along with using their host’s genetic material to
supplement their own – the mutation rates hit the roof.
This is especially true of RNA
viruses, which I had said make up the majority of virus types. Coronaviruses,
such as COVID-19, are RNA viruses. RNA viruses also lack a feature that allows
DNA viruses to “check” themselves for the correctness of their genetic copying,
so they can’t self-correct. This means that RNA viruses are constantly evolving
into new subtypes (called “strains”), each with its own features, and they are
notorious for being extremely difficult to impossible to make a vaccine for.
The common cold is caused by a
Coronavirus, by the way. So is influenza. The former has no vaccine, and as for
the latter, there are so many strains of influenza virus that, vaccine or not,
at least forty to fifty thousand people die every year from influenza in
Amerikastan alone.
Therefore, any vaccine for
COVID-19 will at best be a rather hit-and-miss affair, and may even be
impossible. And yet, just as I predicted in my last article, “democratic”
governments such as Denmark have already passed laws making refusal to be
vaccinated by a COVID-19 vaccine illegal, even though no such vaccine exists
No such vaccine exists yet even
though the pharmaceutical companies have apparently decided to throw all the
standard procedures on vaccines out of the window. Here is how a vaccine to a
virus would normally be created, if done in a scientific manner:
First, the vaccine would be tested
on a cell culture (in vitro) which would then be subjected to the virus
to see if the cells got infected. If the vaccine worked, it would then be used
on laboratory animals, which would then be subject to the virus (in vivo)
to see if they develop the disease. It they didn’t, they would be observed for
months to see if the vaccine had any other side effects, like, say, an
increased cancer rate, birth defects, or anything else. Assuming they were all
right, then the vaccine would be tested in human volunteers and compared with a
control group. Assuming that everything was still all right – and the
vaccine was still effective – then, and only then, could it be released for public use. Obviously, this will take a year or longer, and pharmaceutical
companies are falling over each other at the prospect of the riches to be made.
So all these procedures will be, and are being, dumped in favour of getting the
first “vaccine” out in the market.
There are so many profits to be
And they are making profits. One
of the most ludicrous things I read recently was a pronouncement from a COVID-19
True Believer that went something like this:
“I do not understand how ANYONE (sic)
can believe that...(if COVID-19 were just like the common ‘flu virus) could be powerful enough to bring
every world economy to a screeching halt and jeopardize (sic) both RICH
(sic)and POOR (sic), Republicans and Democrats, men and women, children
and the old, EVERY (sic) single race, ALL (sic) religions, smart
and stupid person on the planet.”
There’s such a lot of claptrap to
disentangle from this that I’ll just pass over some of the less egregious ones
1. COVID-19 has, to date, not killed
a single child. Anywhere.
2. Religion has nothing to do with
diseases unless you talk about some disease that is passed on through food and people
of a religion that prohibits that particular food don’t get it. This isn’t such
a disease and nobody has ever suggested it was.
Now, as to Point Three: both
Amerikastani political “parties” (or, to be more accurate, allied Mafia gangs)
have benefited from COVID-19. They were briefed early enough on it to sell
their stocks, handily exiting the market before it tanked. Their “foreign
policy”, far from being hurt by COVID-19, actively seeks to use it to try and
overthrow the Iranian government. Far from helping their NATO slaves in Europe,
Spain and Italy, they left them to sink or swim and it was Cuba, Russia and
China – NATO’s declared enemies – who came to the aid of Italy. I
don’t know about Spain. And Trump announced a gigantic “stimulus package” of
businesses which, I’ll bet you any number of stimulus packages you want, will
go to bailing out such criminal enterprises as Boeing, which was already on the
rocks after the 737MAX crashes.
One of the most obvious economic
results of the world panic is clear to see. It’s the virtual massacre of small
businesses, industries, and farmers. They can’t manufacture, they can’t trade things, and they can’t sell their produce. What does this mean? It means that
they will go out of business sooner rather than later, while the corporate
conglomerates who have been waiting to swallow them up have the political clout
and money reserves to wait for them to collapse. It’s so obvious that I don’t
know why the media aren’t talking about it.
Belay that, I know exactly
why the corporate-owned media aren’t talking about it.
In the illegitimate racist-fascist
apartheid Zionist settler colony in Occupied Palestine, the so-called state of “Israel”,
the war criminal Binyamin Netanyahu has used COVID-19 to stay on in power
despite not exactly winning the last election. It was also supposed to be tried
for corruption, but said trial has now been indefinitely postponed. Meanwhile,
tens of thousands of zionazis have apparently been sacked without pay and sent
home. To survive, they can take “loans”, which, of course, will have to be
repaid later with interest. While I don’t have the slightest smidgen of pity
for them – after seventy years of oppression of Palestine they have long since
lost the right to pity – it’s just more evidence of how the ruling class is
using COVID-19 for power and profit.
Meanwhile, in my last article, I
said that the gerontophiliac Macronist regime in France would take this
opportunity to crush the Gilets Jaunes (Yellow Vests) protests. Within
literally hours of my writing that, I discovered that the Macronist regime made
laws compelling French people to download and print a form to be carried with
them if they dare step out of their houses, with only a few reasons permitted.
Interesting things also happened
elsewhere in France, where the world’s premier virologist, Professor Didier
Raoult, said that chloroquine in the early stages of the infection
handily scotches COVID-19. I don’t know if this is true, but surely it’s
amenable to scientific testing. Instead, Raoult was virtually blacklisted and
France’s stock of chloroquine has apparently “gone missing”, rather handily for
pharmaceutical companies which will make profits from manufacturing it to feed
the market.
I'm consistently amazed at how
the European Union criminals imploded at the first crisis, I mean, the first
crisis that they did not themselves create in the first place for their own
ends (like the destruction of Libya, the creation of "Kosovo", the
Ukranazi coup in Kiev, the ruination of Greece, or the buying of oil from al
Qaeda and ISIS in Syria from 2012 which led to the headchoppers rolling in
money, just for example). The first hard blow and it's borders closed, every
country for itself, the devil take the hindmost. Why shouldn't any rational person, or country for that
matter, choose Russia or China over this shambolic wreck? While I'm on the subject, Russians should
thank their lucky stars for the sanctions since 2014. It compelled Russia to
resurrect its domestic manufacturing capacity. As recently as 2010 something
like COVID-19 would have been an economic catastrophe for Russia. Now it's
manageable. I hope other countries are also noting the fact that you had better
not hand over your economy to foreign bureaucrats, or you'll regret it.
As for India: a few days ago, the
Modi regime called for a day-long “People’s Curfew” to keep everyone off the
roads so as to “halt the spread of Coronavirus”. This was accompanied by a
demand that everyone clap and bang spoons on plates at 5pm to express their “gratitude”
to the doctors and other health workers “keeping them safe” from COVID-19; by
that evening cringe-inducing videos of people dancing and clanging pots and
pans were making the rounds of social media. As someone said astutely, this was
not the sound of gratitude; it was the sound of abject surrender to der Führer’s diktats. Not surprisingly, the very next
day after this display, doctors in Telengana state were complaining that they
had been evicted by the owners of their rented accommodation on the grounds
that they would bring the virus back from hospitals with them. Such gratitude!
This was just the
start. A couple of days later Modi clamped down a three week nationwide
lockdown at three hours’ notice. Modi always makes these pronouncements at 8 pm,
because that’s prime time television; optics are important. With everything
closed, migrant workers - who form the backbone of the economy - have been
thrown out of work in the tens of millions and are desperately trying to go
back to their hometowns and villages where at least they have a measure of
social support and don't have to pay rent. The Modi regime unleashed its
police on them, brutally beating and humiliating them on the streets. The Modi
regime tame media totally ignored this in favour of breathless reports on how
celebrities were "coping with the crisis". This finally broke down
when hundreds of thousands of migrant workers found themselves stranded in the
heart of Delhi, unable to find buses to take them home, despite said buses
having been promised by the Modi regime. Then it could no longer be ignored. So
what did the Modi regime do? It immediately ordered all the states to close
their borders to stop migrant workers from leaving. The state governments are
supposed to house and feed and take care of their medical needs, but how this
is to be managed isn't something Modi explained. Typically of Modi, this is
just another "resolute" stunt which will cause massive hardship and
chaos but the blame will go to those trying to implement the policy, not to der
Führer himself.
Of course, nobody will ask why –
if COVID-19 is as lethal as advertised – the Modi regime was doing nothing
during the three months between its appearance in Wuhan (assuming that’s where
it first appeared, which is yet to be proven) and pressing the panic button.
What was it doing, if anything at all? Apart from pogroms against protestors,
of course.
The Anti-China
propaganda campaign:
with China’s virtual elimination of COVID-19, a most interesting phenomenon
surfaced in India, especially on WhatsApp – the Modi worshippers’ (I call them
Modifellating Bhaktonazis) communication medium of choice. Suddenly, as though
a switch was turned on, right wingers began circulating claims that China “invented”
the virus in order to “crash the American economy” and “take over the world”.
This ridiculous claptrap was in much better English than the average crude
anti-Muslim/anti-secularist rhetoric which infests the right wing Indian
WhatsAppsphere, and all the versions of the claims appeared at approximately
the same time. I don’t think this is a coincidence. It’s obviously an
orchestrated paid campaign, and there’s not much doubt as to who the paymaster
could be.
Let me repeat some points:
There is no evidence that the virus arose in China.
2. There is no evidence that the virus came from eating bats.
3. Chinese normally do not eat bats.
4. By insinuating that the virus is “Chinese” the Trump regime is deliberately opposing WHO instructions to not call germs by any geographic term.
5. Viruses jump species all the time (as I mentioned a few days ago).
6. The Chinese did not institute any kind of cover up and were instead aggressively proactive in containment measures once they realised that it was an epidemic. Unlike the EU and the Trump regime, which waited until hundreds of deaths before beginning quarantine measures. If there is anybody responsible for turning it into a pandemic it is the EU and America.
2. There is no evidence that the virus came from eating bats.
3. Chinese normally do not eat bats.
4. By insinuating that the virus is “Chinese” the Trump regime is deliberately opposing WHO instructions to not call germs by any geographic term.
5. Viruses jump species all the time (as I mentioned a few days ago).
6. The Chinese did not institute any kind of cover up and were instead aggressively proactive in containment measures once they realised that it was an epidemic. Unlike the EU and the Trump regime, which waited until hundreds of deaths before beginning quarantine measures. If there is anybody responsible for turning it into a pandemic it is the EU and America.
A fresh canard claims that the
Chinese supplied “defective” virus testing kits to Spain and the Czech Republic.
As Moon of Alabama says, the truth is that
China's ambassador in Spain also pointed out that these tests have yet to be verified by the regulator and were imported without the help or knowledge of the Chinese government.”
As you will remember, antibodies are only created when the body recognises an infective agent and the immune system develops a defence against them. Therefore they only appear at a relatively late stage in the disease. This should be obvious to anyone except the medically illiterate...or someone with an agenda.
And of course they have an agenda, don’t they?
In fact it seems that the fault of
the Chinese is that they successfully took steps to crush the pandemic and did
not drop dead in millions. If they had, of course, then they would have been
blamed for “neglecting their people”, but they wouldn’t have been blamed for “creating”
the virus. Amerikastan would have been too busy trying to overthrow the People’s
Republic to waste time on that.
![]() |
Remember what they told you earlier when they demanded you believe something. |
The Management Of Fear, or, I Am
More Afraid Than You:
One of the frankly most bizarre
things I’ve seen in this current, wholly manufactured, crisis is the eagerness
of people to fall over themselves to do exactly as ordered by their overlords
even when such action would seem to be directly contrary to their own best
interests. I should have anticipated, it, though; it’s a fairly standard
practice, astutely used by the Nazis. Create a wholly spurious “crisis” (a “Bolshevik
Jewish conspiracy” in the 1930s, a “killer virus” scare now), convince people
that you’re the only thing standing between them and chaos, and scare them
constantly. That’s all you have to do.
Even so, the extent to which
people are falling over themselves to beg for even more restrictions on
themselves amazes me. It’s like a concentration camp inmate going up to the
“Oh, Herr Hauptsturmführer, your concentration camp isn’t oppressive enough!
Could you please have us beaten more, fed less, and worked harder? Thanks!”
It’s like that.
Cui bono?
They all do.
Except us, of course.
Anyway, just to make you happy,
here are a few photos of me rescuing a Huntsman spider from the kitchen sink.
I read too much. Trying to learn more about the flu, I found that there is no unambiguous, universally accepted definition. Some insist the flu is a single family of viruses. A respiratory infection by a different virus is not the flu, and there are only a few thousand cases of flu a year. The more common definition is that the flu is any viral respiratory infection that is worse than a cold but not as bad as pneumonia (not quite unambiguous, but widely used). So I was unable to find out how CoViD-19 compares with the annual flu, since I could not find out what the annual flu really was.
ReplyDeleteThe claim that one can trust "an internationally renowned microbiologist" is a bit optimistic: all the ones on TV or prominent on the Web have been hired by some people who figure they can use those microbiologists' pronouncements to make money.
ReplyDeleteImagine that there are twin Carmodys, Bob and Sam. Bob and Sam look exactly alike, but Bob is a quiet fellow who never makes a mess or breaks anything, while Sam is a nasty fellow who destroys whatever he can. If Bob gets into a human, he reproduces until the body figures out that he's an undocumented migrant and sends ICE and BP to round up Bob and all his reproductions and put them all in a concentration camp without food or water until they all expire (but not before Bob has infected one or more other humans). If Sam gets into a human, he causes severe illness, death up to 99% of the time. A vaccine is a copy of Bob. The body learns to recognise Bob and get rid of any copy of him that comes along. And since Sam looks just like Bob, the body recognises him and sends ICE and BP to put him in a concentration camp before he can do any harm.
In real life, Bob was the Bovine Pox, a common, harmless virus that's very common in bovines (vacca is Latin for bovine, which is why we called bovine pox a vaccine), and scientists noticed that cowgirls seldom got smallpox. Sam was Smallpox. If one had been infected with Bovine Pox, Smallpox was not a problem, your body would stop it before it could do any damage.
One creates a modern vaccine by taking the RNA or DNA of a virus that causes serious problems and creating a version the body will recognise as the virus but which doesn't cause any problems.