[A COMEDY IN FOUR ACTS...brought to you
without any hacking, real or accused, by disgruntled ex-employees or anyone
[All countries, persons, institutions and
incidents which directly appear in this comedy are fictitious. Any resemblance
to any real-life countries, people, institutions, and incidents is completely...heh heh...coincidental.]
characters, in order of appearance:
JEN PASKI ... Spokesperson for the Untied
States Department of State.
KIM YONG KUN ... East Korean journalist and
occasional secret agent.
CHOI PONG JU ... Another East Korean
journalist and occasional secret agent.
IRIDESCENT LEADER ... Supreme Commander of
East Korea.
BARACK HUSSEIN OMABA ... Noble Peace Prize
winner and President of the Untied States of America.
EVAN ROGEN ... Secretary of State of the
Untied States of America
SETH GOLDBERG ... Head of the Central Interrogation
Agency (CIA).
1 to 4.
CD. The scene opens at a media conference addressed by JEN PASKI. As the CURTAIN rises PASKI is standing at
the podium, looking out over the AUDIENCE. She is part way through answering a question.]
PASKI: ...and we are completely certain
that Putin is behind this latest outrage.
MEDIA PERSON No. 1 (offstage): But nothing you said proves anything like that.
PASKI: We have sources which prove it to
the satisfaction of the President and the State Department.
MEDIA PERSON No. 2 (offstage): Sources such as? After all, you’re accusing the
President of Russia of shooting down the Tooth Fairy. Don’t you think you need
to show the world the evidence?
PASKI: We have a YouTube video which
clearly shows that a Russian anti-aircraft missile battery was positioned in
the same hemisphere as the last known position of the Tooth Fairy. Experts from
the CIA, the Hexagon, and the National Secrecy Agency have all pronounced the
video genuine. We think there’s a very high probability – approaching a hundred
percent – that Putin personally fired the missile which killed the fairy.
MEDIA PERSON No. 1: And what makes you
arrive at that conclusion, Jen?
PASKI: In one frame of the video, a man can
be seen who isn’t wearing a shirt. We have conclusively established that since
only Putin goes around shirtless, that man must be Putin.
MEDIA PERSON No. 3 (offstage): And just suppose that the video means anything at all,
what does this have to do with the security of the Untied States?
PASKI: It’s a simple question of
humanitarian decency. As the President said last night in his address to the
nation, the children of the world have been deprived of the wondrous being who
took their shed teeth and left coins in their place. The Untied States, as the
undisputed leader of the Free World, must ensure that such a crime isn’t left
unpunished. The President will soon announce a further package of sanctions
against Russia to teach Putin that such uncivilised and barbarous behaviour
will not be tolerated.
MEDIA PERSON No. 4 (offstage): I thought the Tooth Fairy was a fictional entity.
PASKI: That’s just plain silly. Next you’ll
be claiming that Santa Claus is fictional. Anything else?
MEDIA PERSON No. 2: Well, touching on the
happenings in Libya where one government just bombed the headquarters of the
other, and the second one’s militia attacked the oilfields of the first – what
does the State Department have to say about that?
PASKI: Um, that’s a very good question, and
I’m glad you asked. We are, um, always on the side of the Libyan people in
their struggle for freedom and democracy. You know we have always stood by them
in their struggle, and, um, we hope they will get through this difficult time
and settle their differences quickly, so that the oil – I mean, the people can
fulfil their expectations.
MEDIA PERSON No. 2: And you agree that the
current turmoil would not have happened but for the Untied States’ and its
allies’ bombing of Libya in support of the rebels who turned on each other
immediately afterwards?
PASKI: That’s ridiculous. It’s all
second-guessing. Nobody could have anticipated that Libya would have fallen
apart –
MEDIA PERSON No. 3: There are a lot of
people who did predict it.
PASKI: I will not take any further
questions on this topic.
MEDIA PERSON No. 1: How about East Korea?
The government has blamed the East Koreans for hacking Snowy, but provided no
proof whatever. But meanwhile independent sources all agree that the East
Koreans had nothing to do with the hack at all.
PASKI: As the Secretary of State said in
his statement this evening, the government will not provide evidence since that
might compromise its sources and endanger them.
MEDIA PERSON No. 2: Will the government
then also stop attacking reporters and demanding that they reveal their
PASKI: I will not take any further
[From behind CURTAIN, PASKI's muffled tones]
PASKI: OK, that answer about Libya was ridiculous.
East Korea. An office in a typical news establishment, with a computer at a
desk. As the CURTAIN rises KIM
YONG KUN can be seen tapping at the
keyboard in frustration.]
KIM: Damn, the net’s down again. I tried to
call the support service but the mobile network’s down too.
CHOI: Wait a moment, we aren’t supposed to have internet or mobile networks, are
KIM: Says who?
CHOI: The Untied States, of course.
KIM: And at the same time they attack our
internet and mobile services? The ones we don’t have.
CHOI: I wish we could settle this problem.
We haven’t done anything to hurt them, but they insist on blaming us. If only
there was some way –
KIM: Perhaps there is. If only we could
talk to Omaba, we could explain things.
CHOI: Omaba won’t talk to us. He’s far too busy
droning kids in Yemen and Afghanistan to spare time for the likes of us.
KIM: I was wondering...he likes golf,
doesn’t he? Maybe if we engaged him in a game of golf, he’d listen to us.
CHOI: But neither of us has ever played
golf in our lives.
KIM: The Iridescent Leader has. We could
ask him for tips.
IRIDESCENT LEADER: Did I hear someone
mention my name?
CHOI and
KIM (together, jumping up): Iridescent
Leader! We didn’t know you were there.
IRIDESCENT LEADER: I am everywhere, I know
everything. I thought you’d have learnt this by now. What is the problem?
KIM: The internet is down again, and so is
the mobile network.
IRIDESCENT LEADER: Yes, I know. It must be
Omaba’s cyberwar outfit.
CHOI: We thought if we could get to play
golf with Omaba, we might be able to talk to him and persuade him that we
aren’t his enemies.
KIM: But we don’t play golf.
IRIDESCENT LEADER: Let me guess. You want
me to teach you the game.
CHOI (eagerly):
Yes, Iridescent Leader. Can you?
IRIDESCENT LEADER: You are talking to the
man whose father scored a hole in one every hole he played for the first time.
KIM: Only he didn’t.
CHOI: Yeah, that’s Western propaganda.
IRIDESCENT LEADER: Sorry, I forgot. These
things get a little mixed up in my head sometimes. But your idea – I like it. I
like it a lot. But I just thought of something.
KIM and
CHOI (together): Yes, Iridescent
Leader? What are your brilliant thoughts?
IRIDESCENT LEADER: You’re assuming Omaba is
amenable to listening to reason. You forget that he is a Noble Peace Prize
awardee, and that anyone who gets given that prize has to be a hardened
warmonger. It is a requirement. (Wipes
away a tear) Alas, I always wanted that Prize, but I am simply not ruthless
KIM (patting
IRIDESCENT LEADER on the shoulder):
I’m sure something could be arranged. Perhaps we could attack some defenceless
little country.
IRIDESCENT LEADER: There are no defenceless little countries we can
attack, you silly twit.
CHOI: I have it! We could always allow a
corner of the country to secede, and then attack it. How does that sound?
Poroshenko’s already tried that route in Ukraine and they didn’t give it to him,
at least not yet. What was I saying?
KIM: That we assume Omaba would listen to
IRIDESCENT LEADER: Even if he wanted to,
which is unlikely, his minders wouldn’t let him.
CHOI: Minders?
IRIDESCENT LEADER: Yes, of course. Those
two who pose as his subordinates, Evan Rogen and Seth Goldberg. To our certain
knowledge they are actually his controllers, and act in the name of...
KIM: Of...?
IRIDESCENT LEADER (shuddering): Wally Street.
KIM and
CHOI (shuddering): Wally Street!
IRIDESCENT LEADER: And you know how
ruthless they are. There’s just one
way to break their hold.
KIM: How, Iridescent Leader?
IRIDESCENT LEADER: You must assassinate
CHOI: We must assassinate him!...wait, what?
IRIDESCENT LEADER: It will be quite easy.
This is what you will do –
KIM: But, Iridescent Leader...
IRIDESCENT LEADER: This is what you will
KIM and
CHOI (glancing at each other): Yes,
Iridescent Leader.
IRIDESCENT LEADER: Good. Now, listen very
carefully. I shall say this only once!
weeks later. A deserted town street, somewhere in the Untied States of America,
with the national flag, the Stars and Strips, hanging from windows. In the
distance, the smoke of burning fires rises in the sky.]
Enter KIM and CHOI, in golf clothes. CHOI is carrying a golf bag.
KIM: What’s that? The smoke?
CHOI: Protests after another policeman was
acquitted after killing another unarmed black kid. Nothing to do with us.
KIM: You know, I’m still not happy about
this. I still think we could talk Omaba round.
CHOI: Omaba, I’m told, is always
accompanied these days by Rogen and what’s his name, Goldberg, to make sure he
sticks to the line. We won’t get a chance to talk him round, simply because
those two won’t let us.
KIM: Great, as though we didn’t have enough
problems already. Do you have the
CHOI: It’s in the bag with the others.
KIM: Yeah, but do you know which one it is?
CHOI: It’s the one with the red dot. The
Iridescent Leader put the red spot on it himself with his own marker pen. [Rummages in golf bag, taking out one ball
after another and examining it.] This one? No. That? Not that one either.
It’s got to be somewhere in here!
KIM: Are you sure you brought it?
Enter POLICEMAN, driving an
armoured personnel carrier, which comes to a halt next to them.
POLICEMAN (from turret of armoured personnel carrier): Here, what are you
doing there, with that bag?
KIM: Nothing, Officer. We’re just picking
our balls.
POLICEMAN: Ha, that’s a likely story. Well,
sir, you won’t mind if I just look at your balls, do you?
KIM: Certainly I do mind. You can’t do that
without a warrant.
[CHOI keeps
looking inside the golf bag for his ball.]
POLICEMAN: Where have you been, sir? We can
do whatever we want. Or maybe you’d like to ask my 30 mm cannon for a warrant,
would you?
KIM: Are you threatening us?
POLICEMAN: Threatening you? You accuse a police officer of threatening you? That’s a terrorist offence, I’ll have you know. [Picks up radio handset] Wait and I’ll
call up a drone.
CHOI (looking
up happily, to KIM): Here, I just found it.
POLICEMAN (putting down radio handset, unused): Hey – what do you have there?
CHOI (noticing
him for the first time, quickly hides ball in pocket): Nothing.
POLICEMAN: My ass it’s nothing. Gimme that
thing at once! Or I’ll shoot you.
KIM (tightly):
Give it to him.
CHOI (holds
out golf ball): Here, take it.
POLICEMAN: I’m not coming down there. Toss
it up to me.
CHOI: But –
POLICEMAN: Throw it up to me, I said.
KIM: Throw it up to him, he said.
CHOI: All right, here you go. [Tosses ball up to POLICEMAN. To KIM] Run!
run. The POLICEMAN grabs at the ball,
misses, and it falls into the armoured personnel carrier through the turret
hatch. The armoured personnel carrier disappears in a huge explosion.]
KIM (wiping
debris from the shoulders of his plaid sports coat; they are now far enough
away from the wreckage that no trace of it can be seen.): Well, that’s torn it.
CHOI (shaking
dust from his cap): That was our only golf ball-bomb. Whatever shall we do?
KIM (shrugging):
Maybe just go back to trying to talk to Omaba?
CHOI: You know the Iridescent Leader told
us to kill him. He’ll be upset if we don’t.
KIM: He’ll be less upset if we can work out
a real peace deal. After all, now that we don’t have the bomb, how on earth are
we going to kill him?
CHOI: Beat Omaba to death with our golf
clubs, maybe? Or signal home for a replacement bomb from the radio transmitter
in the golf bag.
[KIM reaches
into the golf bag, extends a golf club, twists it around until he gets a
signal. He splits a golf ball, attaches the two halves over his ears, and holds
another close to his mouth, saying something. Finally, nodding, he shuts down
the radio.]
KIM: It’s going to take days to get a
replacement, they said. Of course,
during that time we could be exposed and killed, or –
KIM: Sent to Gauntanamo, where we’d be
waterboarded, stress-positioned, and rectally fed.
CHOI (shuddering):
What should we do, then?
I have no idea. We’ll just talk to Omaba first.
CHOI (checking
watch): Let’s go to the golf course. It’s getting late.
KIM: We'll try and think of something.
golf course. Enter OMABA, ROGEN and
GOLDBERG. OMABA is in the lead. He has a
golf bag.]
OMABA: I saw my ratings are down again.
That won’t do.
ROGEN: Doesn’t matter, Mr President. You’ll
be getting a boost soon enough.
GOLDBERG: All you need is a nifty little
ROGEN: One you can easily win.
OMABA (going
over his clubs in his golf bag): What war? There aren’t many countries I’ve
left unbombed, except for those which can shoot back.
GOLDBERG: We’ve selected one for you.
ROGEN: East Korea! Everyone hates them. You
can’t go wrong with East Korea.
OMABA: But they have nukes, don’t they?
GOLDBERG: Mister President. Russia
has nukes, and we’re picking a fight with them over Ukraine. China has nukes, and we’re picking a
fight with them over the Asia Pivot. East Korea? Compared to Russia and China
they’re pushovers.
OMABA: I’m not so sure about this. Maybe we
could invade, I don’t know, Iceland or something. They don’t even have a
ROGEN: Iceland?
OMABA: Or Hungary. They’ve been acting
uppity lately. They need to be taught a lesson. [Takes out a club] A seven iron,
I think.
GOLDBERG: Uh, well, Mister President, we’ll
talk it over with the Hexagon people. But I think you’ll find that they’ll
agree with me that East Korea is the proper target.
OMABA (taking
a few practice swings): How do we justify attacking East Korea? I mean,
we’ll need some kind of casus belli. [Repeats
words with relish] Casus belli.
ROGEN (soothingly):
I must commend your Latin, Mister President. But you don’t need to worry. I’m
sure Seth and his CIA can find us enough justification for the war.
GOLDBERG: Even if I have to waterboard
every damn East Korean I can lay hands on to get it. [Enter KIM and CHOI] Talking
about East Koreans, who on earth are these two?
OMABA: Yes, who are you?
KIM: I’m Kim Yong Pun and he’s Choi Pong
CHOI: We’re East Korean journalists.
KIM: And peace emissaries.
CHOI: And, as he says, peace emissaries. We
ROGEN: Get off it! East Koreans and peace. We all know that ain’t gonna
happen. No sir!
GOLDBERG: Mister President, I suggest I
rendition these two immediately. You’ll have your justification for war by
tonight. I guarantee you.
OMABA: Wait, wait a moment. You say you’re
peace emissaries. You’ve come to begin surrender negotiations?
KIM: Surrender
CHOI: No, sir, we’ve come to talk peace,
not to surrender. You know, as representatives of one sovereign nation to
another. We believe that we can work out a peace that is beneficial to both our
countries. We –
OMABA (teeing
a ball, and taking another practice swing): Look here, my friends, this
great nation does not engage on equal terms with brutal dictatorships which,
er... [glances at ROGEN and GOLDBERG] What do they do again?
ROGEN: Lock up people without due cause.
GOLDBERG: Torture them.
ROGEN: Run a police state.
GOLDBERG: Spy on their own citizens, twenty
ROGEN: Conduct cyber warfare.
GOLDBERG: Arm, train and fund terrorists.
ROGEN: Threaten to invade other countries.
OMABA: Wait, wait. I’m confused. Are we
still talking about East Korea here?
GOLDBERG: Please don’t let yourself get
distracted from the main point, Mister President. We are the leader of the Free
World, and they are pure undiluted evil.
OMABA (nodding):
Absolutely. Look here, my East Korean friends. I’m a busy man, I’ve got a golf
game to play and kill lists to make. I don’t have time to talk to you.
KIM: Sir, if you made peace, it could
increase your chances of getting the Noble Peace Prize.
ROGEN: The President already has a Noble Peace Prize. He doesn’t need
OMABA: Wait, wait. I noticed that my Prize
medallion is getting kind of tarnished. I tried to get my wife to polish it but
she was too busy hashtagging to listen.
GOLDBERG: I could get one of my men to buff
it up for you.
OMABA: That won’t be necessary if I can get
GOLDBERG: You really intend to talk peace
with these East Koreans, Mister President?
OMABA (aside,
to him and ROGEN): Don’t be daft. Have I ever kept any promise I made to
anyone? We’ll talk until I get my Peace Prize, and then we’ll invade and overthrow them.
ROGEN (sighing
with relief): You had me worried there for a moment, Mister President. [To KIM and CHOI] All right, the President will talk to you.
KIM: When?
OMABA: Be in the anteroom of my Oral Office
in the Wide House in two hours.
CHOI: Thank you, Mister President. We’ll be
KIM and CHOI.]
GOLDBERG: You handled that very well,
Mister President.
OMABA: Of course I did.. [Whacks ball. It goes flying off into the
wide blue yonder.] Hole in one!
GOLDBERG and ROGEN: Splendid, Mister
President. Excellently done!
Oral Office. OMABA and GOLDBERG are poring over some papers.]
OMABA: Definitely him. What about this one here?
GOLDBERG: No, he’s on our payroll. You can
do this one here though.
OMABA: Great. I enjoy killing folks. I’m
really good at killing folks. Can we kill this folk here too?
GOLDBERG: Let me see –
is a knock on the door and ROGEN enters.]
ROGEN: Those East Koreans are waiting.
OMABA: Oh, yeah, I’d forgotten about them.
Might as well let them in, I suppose. [KIM and
CHOI enter, still in their golf outfits
and carrying the bag] Why on earth are you two still dressed like that?
KIM: Our hotel’s too far away to get there
and back in time, Mr President.
CHOI: So we had to come here directly from
the course. I hope you don’t mind, sir.
GOLDBERG: East Korea’s too poor to afford
downtown hotel rates, Mister President. Another excellent reason why it’s going
to be a pusho –
ROGEN (hastily):
What he means is, that a peace agreement between our nations would benefit
GOLDBERG: Yeah, that’s what I meant, sure
enough. Now, gentlemen, shall we get down to business?
ROGEN: What terms are you offering?
KIM: Well, let’s see, we could start with
both sides reducing tensions by formally agreeing not to threaten each other.
CHOI: And then further agreeing to stop all
cyberwarfare against each other.
KIM: And normalising trade and diplomatic
ties. And –
OMABA: Wait, wait. You said both sides
should stop cyberwarfare against each other. But what do we get out of that? After all, you aren’t conducting cyberwarfare
against us, we’re the ones doing it to you.
CHOI: So you admit that East Korea wasn’t
behind the Snowy hack?
KIM: Even though you accused us of it and shut down our net and cell networks
in retaliation?
OMABA (laughs):
Of course I admit it. What are you going to do about it?
CHOI: I don’t follow.
OMABA: I’m the guy who drone kills kids
daily, the guy who arms and trains Nazis and jihadis, the guy who gets off on
bombing weddings, and schools, and funerals. I’m the guy who won two – get
that, two – elections by pretending
to be a left-wing black liberal. [Scratches
at his wrist with a fingernail. A strip of dark epidermis peels off, exposing
white skin below.] Look, I can drop the act now, though.
ROGEN: What the President means is –
OMABA: What I mean is, I don’t give a damn
about your pipsqueak little country. If you’re going to negotiate with me
you’ll do it on my terms, and agree
to what I say.
GOLDBERG: And if you don’t play along –
OMABA: Well, then, you’ll see what sort of
man I really am. Now, let’s hear some
better offers from you.
GOLDBERG: By better we mean grovelling.
Is that clear?
KIM (rising):
We’re sorry, but this isn’t going to work.
CHOI (also
rising): We thought this meeting was in good faith, but it obviously isn’t.
So we’ll take our leave.
ROGEN: Where do you think you’re going?
KIM: Back to our hotel.
CHOI: And then home by the first available
GOLDBERG (taking out a gun): The only place you’re going is an interrogation centre in Renditionistan.
ROGEN (taking
out another gun): Get them!
KIM: Plan Two, Choi!
[KIM and
CHOI grab golf clubs from the bag and
begin swinging. With their first blows they knock the guns out of ROGEN’s and GOLDBERG’s hands. With a few more swings
they beat them both to death.]
CHOI: Where’s Omaba?
AUDIENCE can see OMABA hiding under the desk, but he isn’t visible
to KIM and CHOI.]
KIM: He must have escaped while we were
dealing with these two.
CHOI: Not a chance of finding him here in
this huge building. We have to get out before the alarm is raised.
KIM: Let’s go. And don’t forget the golf bag!
KIM and CHOI at a run, the latter carrying the bag.]
OMABA (emerging
from under the desk): I’m not finished yet. Cross me, will you? You’ll see
what you get for that! [Goes over to a
telephone in the corner next to an Xbox, and lifts the receiver] Unleash my
personal drone at once!
SECURITY GUARD (offstage): Yes sir!
street with the wreckage of the armoured personnel carrier, which is now a
blackened mass of smouldering metal. Enter
CHOI and KIM, running.]
KIM: Is that a drone I hear behind me, its
engine buzzing over the land? Come, let me destroy thee.
CHOI: What with? We have no anti-aircraft
weapons. Hell, we have no weapons except the golf clubs. And you can’t shoot
down a drone with a golf club.
KIM: What do you propose we do, then?
CHOI: Hide until it goes away?
KIM (pointing
skywards): That’s Omaba’s personal drone. I recognise the insignia. He isn’t
going to give up and go away.
CHOI (stopping
a little way away from the wrecked carrier): Well, then, there’s only one
thing to do. [Takes golf bag off shoulder]
Try and distract the drone a moment.
KIM: How?
CHOI (extending
club aerial and opening golf ball headphone): I don’t know! Do something.
KIM: All right, I’ll do my best. [Climbs on top of wrecked carrier and waves
at drone.] Hey, Omaba. Look what we did to your police tank. And all with
one of my golf balls. You call yourself a golfer, Omaba? [A Hellfire missile screeches overhead and smashes into a building.]
You call yourself a drone pilot, Omaba? You can’t even hit a stationary target!
[Drone engine buzzes furiously and
another missile smashes into a building.] Missed again, sucker!
roars overhead, so low that its shadow is clearly visible to the AUDIENCE. It swings round and returns for another pass.]
KIM: Choi? I don’t think it’s going to miss
this time.
CHOI (sitting
back and wiping his brow): Don’t worry. I’ve got it. [He fiddles with a button on the side of the golf bag. The drone rises
sharply, its engine squealing in protest.] There you go.
KIM (jumping
off wreckage and hurrying over): Where are you sending it?
CHOI: Where do you think?
[Quick CURTAIN. Scene shifts back to OMABA’s office.
OMABA is bent over the Xbox, with the SECURITY
GUARD by his side.]
SECURITY GUARD: Sir? The drone is headed
back towards us, sir.
OMABA (desperately
twiddling joystick): Get to the air force and have an F35 shoot down the
drone at once!
SECURITY GUARD (speaks into phone and turns to OMABA): Sorry, sir, but all F35s are
OMABA: All? Every single one?
SECURITY GUARD (after speaking into phone): Every single one.
Apparently three more crashed since yesterday.
OMABA: What about other planes then? There must be some others!
SECURITY GUARD (after speaking into phone): None, sir. F35s are all we've got left.
OMABA: Who was responsible for that ridiculous situation?
SECURITY GUARD (after speaking into phone): Apparently you, sir, and the folks at the Hexagon.
OMABA: An F35, an F35, my Empire for an
[Rising roar of drone engine in a kamikaze
terminal dive. The scene disappears in a terrific explosion.]
days later. The IRIDESCENT LEADER’s office
in Pongyyang, East Korea. As the curtain rises the IRIDESCENT
LEADER is talking to KIM and CHOI.]
IRIDESCENT LEADER: You did very well. I’m
proud of you.
KIM: Thank you, Iridescence.
CHOI: Thank you, your Sublime Leadership.
IRIDESCENT LEADER: Even better than wiping
out Omaba, you got the recording in which he admitted we had nothing to do with
the Snowy hack. That must have taken some doing.
KIM: Oh well, it was blind luck, really.
IRIDESCENT LEADER: Fortune favours the
brave. Now tell me one thing I’m curious about.
CHOI: Yes?
IRIDESCENT LEADER (looking warily around and whispering): How was Omaba’s golf game,
CHOI: Oh, superb.
KIM: He got a hole in one right off.
IRIDESCENT LEADER: Damn it! I never can win
it all, can I?
KIM: Look on the bright side, boss. The
internet is back again, and the sun is shining.
IRIDESCENT LEADER: Damn the internet. [Begins weeping] And here I thought I was
the best at everything. Everything!
Copyright B Purkayastha 2014
Scenes from the play:
The Iridescent Leader of East Korea* |
President Barack Hussein Omaba of the Untied States of America*
*Both these characters are entirely fictional.