This piece could probably do with a little
explanatory preamble. A few years ago – 2011 to be precise – Bollywood made a
film called Dear Friend Hitler. The
director had claimed in an interview that Hitler had loved India very much,
which was one of the reasons which had moved him to make the flick.
Now, if you’ve been reading me for any time
at all, you’ll probably know how my brain works. So the first thing that
happened when I read of this online (this was in 2010, when it was still in the
making) was that I began constructing a storyline in my head, drawing heavily
on the standard Bollywood fare of the 1980s-90s, which was marked as much for
its utter and total disregard for historical facts as for its reliance on song
and dance. Within literally minutes I had a melodramatic scene all set up in my
head, which I wrote about on Multiply, which at that time was my blogging home
and which had as yet not been murdered by greedy corporate ghouls out to make a
fast buck.
As it happens, my idea about the film
wasn’t exactly what the director did, but going by the reviews – which didn’t
exactly fall over with praise, to put it mildly – I genuinely think my version
would’ve been better. At least it might have made a fair comedy.
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Yes, that is meant to be Eva Braun! |
I’d better explain that while Hitler might not have loved India, there’s little doubt that the
Hindunazis in India love Hitler. They model themselves after him, and thousands
of copies of Mein Kampf are sold in
India every a self-help book.
I’m not kidding you.
Anyway, built around that scene, here’s a (partial) screenplay of Deer Friend Hitler, the first word
having nothing to do with the members of the family Cervidae; it was
deliberately chosen so that nobody can claim I’m infringing on their copyright
or something.
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Not what this is about |
I’ll be using – as far as possible – a
direct translation of the idiom of Bollywood flicks of the 80s and 90s to
English. Yes, they really did say
things like “Dog, open your ears and listen!”
In keeping with the actual Dear Friend Hitler film, all characters,
including Hitler and Eva Braun, will be played by Indians. Blond wigs will be worn
when thought appropriate – the more ludicrous in appearance, the better.
Of course, all resemblance to real
historical persons or circumstances is a deliberate
parody. I expect that is clear.
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Or else. |
1 : An Indian town, circa 1942. A
line of demonstrators appears in the distance, carrying Indian flags.
These must be the modern Indian flag, not the version used by demonstrators
during the so-called “freedom struggle”. As they march towards the camera in a
straggling line, they shout slogans and wave their fists in the air.]
DEMONSTRATORS: British, quit India! Glory
to Mother India!
WOMAN DEMONSTRATOR [in front, determinedly waving
flag]: British go back to London! Listen to Mahatma Gandhi’s words!
DEMONSTRATORS: Long live Mahatma Gandhi!
pans to a roadblock, behind which a line of British soldiers stands. They’re
commanded by a general. Let’s call him, um, General Dyer, after the British
brigadier who commanded a massacre of Indian civilians in Amritsar in 1919;
he’s the only British “general” whose name Indian audiences will know.]
DYER: Stop! In the name of the British
government, you are ordered to return home immediately!
WOMAN DEMONSTRATOR: We do not recognise
your British government! Britain go back! We want freedom!
DYER: You Indians will never have freedom.
This is your final warning.
DYER: Fire!
British soldiers open fire. The WOMAN DEMONSTRATOR is the last to fall, still
clutching her flag to her breast.]
DYER: So will all Indians die who dare to
rebel against our glorious British Empire! [Leaves
with his soldiers.]
WOMAN DEMONSTRATOR’s son, let’s call him...come on, give me a name...OK, Bharat.
That’s the name of the country in most Indian languages. It’s also a – rather rare – man’s name.
He’s accompanied by his wife, YOUNG WOMAN, who at this point probably doesn’t
require a name. I’ll make up one if I think she needs it.]
BHARAT [rushing
frantically to WOMAN DEMONSTRATOR]: Mother!
WOMAN DEMONSTRATOR (raising head weakly): Son...don’t be sad. My blood is watering the
nation’s holy, take this flag, hold it high. Son, listen
BHARAT: Mother?
WOMAN DEMONSTRATOR: Go to Germany. There is
a brave man who loves India. His name is Hitler. Go to him and ask him for
help. Give him this flag, stained with the blood flowing from the breasts of
all these martyrs. Ask him to aid you in sweeping the British from our holy
BHARAT: I will, Mother. I will obey your
divine command.
WOMAN DEMONSTRATOR: Remember always that
our nation is the greatest in the universe, and that we will one day rise to
take our place at the top again. Never forget this.
BHARAT: I won’t, Mother, I won’t.
WOMAN DEMONSTRATOR: My blessings on your
journey, my son. And now...I am...going. [Falls
back dramatically, dies.]
BHARAT [yowling
and throwing himself on her corpse]: Mummy! You can’t leave me and go away!
WOMAN takes the flag from BHARAT’s hand.]
YOUNG WOMAN: Is this the time for tears?
Mother has given you a holy duty. Fulfil it. Or, I swear to you, I will myself
go to Germany and to our great friend Hitler. I will give him this flag and
tell him that since the men of our country are too weak, I, a woman, have come
to him for help.
BHARAT: No, no, I will do it.
YOUNG WOMAN: Are you certain? If not, tell
me now.
BHARAT [snatching
back the flag and holding it aloft]:
I am certain. Victory to Mother India!
BOTH: Victory to Mother India!
2: The ashram of the Thousand Year
Old Yogi. It consists of buildings around a yard in the centre of which is a
banyan tree surrounded by a concrete platform. The Thousand Year Old Yogi sits
on this platform before his devotees. He has a long, matted beard and hair
coiled high on his head. As he talks, he keeps running a set of beads through
the fingers of one hand.]
DEVOTEES: Bless us, Holy Saint! Bless us
with your august words!
YOGI: The time has come for the world to
see a new dawn, when the smiling face of Goddess India will rise again in the
east, just as our great sages have prophesied, in all the scriptures. A great
and glorious friend of India will help us drive away the cruel foreign rulers,
and after that we will once again take our place as the leader of the world.
After all, as we all know, this was the country that first invented the
aeroplane and the atom bomb*, the country that is the fount of all the
knowledge the others are only discovering now. The time has now come, my
children, that...
this is an anachronism. So what?]
BHARAT: Holy Saint! You must help us.
YOGI: What is it? Wait, I know. My child,
you are going on a long and difficult journey, to find the great man who will
help us shake off the foreign yoke. You have come for my blessing.
YOUNG WOMAN [to BHARAT]: You see? He knows everything!
YOGI: Yes, by the grace of the Lord
Sarvagunasampanna, I have been granted divine sight. But you are going on a
long and difficult journey, my child. The task before you is formidable.
BHARAT: That is why I need your blessing,
Holy One.
YOGI: You will have it. But along with the
blessing I will give you something more. [Rummages
in a bag by his side and takes out a handful of dried herbs.] Here. Take
this. It is the one and only Sanjeevani herb, which – as the Ramayana teaches us – can bring the dead
back to life. Use it wisely.
BHARAT [overcome]:
Holy Saint! [He and YOUNG WOMAN throw
themselves down before the concrete platform.] Bless us!
YOGI [Holds
hand not holding beads over their heads, blessing them]: Is there anyone
among you devotees who is so brave as to go with this brave young man on a
mission which will bring freedom to this land?
MOHAN [Devotee]:
I’ll go!
YOGI: I declare you brothers. Go now, and
come back with the flag of victory flying!
ALL: Glory to the Holy One! Glory to Mother
3: Berlin. Outside Hitler’s
Chancellery, which should look exactly like a block of Indian government
offices except for a swastika mounted on the wall above the door. All visible
vehicles will be modern Indian and will be driving on the left of the road, of
course. A couple of guards in black uniforms with swastika armbands march back
and forth outside. They should look as un-German as possible. Nepalis or Arunachalis
would be nice. J]
BHARAT and MOHAN, carrying large bags but otherwise looking none the worse for their
long and dangerous journey.]
BHARAT: Here we are, at last, outside our
great friend Hitler’s headquarters.
MOHAN: Look, he has our ancient Indian
symbol, the swastika, on the wall.
BHARAT: Didn’t I tell you he was our
nation’s friend? We must meet him at once!
MOHAN: But how can we meet him? He has
guards who certainly will stop us if we try to go inside.
BHARAT: Let’s try and see what happens. [Goes up to the nearest guard. Speaking
Hindi, and then translating into English:] We need to meet our nation’s
great friend Hitler.
GUARD No. 1 [atrocious Indian-accented English]: Who are you?
BHARAT [Hindi,
then English]: We are from India. We have come to speak to our great friend
Hitler, to ask him for help to free our country.
GUARD No. 1: I can’t let you meet him. How
do I know you aren’t British spies?
BHARAT [returning
to MOHAN]: You were right, the guard isn’t letting us pass. Do you think
you should try to talk to them?
MOHAN: The same thing will happen.
BHARAT: Hmm. You’re right. I have it! We’ll
sing a song. When they hear us sing they’ll know we’re who we say we are.
begin to dance and sing.]
BHARAT and MOHAN [singing, in Hindi]:
India – the Greatest
In the world – the best of all
sent us here
Dear friend Hitler – hear us call.
India – from the Himalaya
Down to the deep blue sea
Full of wonder and the wisdom
Of ten thousand years of history.
India, our hearts beat for you
The greatest nation that has ever been
India, of all the countries anywhere
You are the undoubted queen.
the singing, HITLER comes out and
stands listening. He’s also in a uniform with a swastika armband.]
India, we left your shores
Shedding tears that we had to go
But our hearts were filled with joy
That you will be rid of the foe.
Mother India, you will be free
You will soon stand proud and tall
We have gone to bring you liberty
Dear friend Hitler, hear our call.
HITLER [clapping,
speaking very carefully correct Hindi]: Wonderful, wonderful! I am so happy
to meet you. I have spent my life admiring India, and waiting to meet Indians.
I learned Hindi just for this day, but never thought I’d have a chance to speak
it. Come in, come in!
follow him inside to a large office. EVA BRAUN is sitting to one side, reading a
book on learning Hindi. She looks up as they enter. All the following dialogue is in Hindi.]
HITLER: My dear, these are two Indians who
have come all the way from India to meet us. Isn’t this fantastic?
EVA: Oh, Adolf! I have waited so eagerly
for this day! Come in, dear Indian guests, come in!
[They sit. She gives them tea and Indian samosas.]
HITLER: We even love Indian food and Eva
taught herself how to make it. Now how can we help you, dear Indian friends?
BHARAT: Sir, it all began when my mother
was cruelly murdered by the British General Dyer.
HITLER [gritting
teeth]: Dyer, my ancient enemy! He shall pay for this! I will see him!
BHARAT: Yes, he murdered her and a lot of
other innocent unarmed civilian protestors who were marching against the cruel
British hold on our beloved land. [Wipes
away a tear] My mother sent me this Indian flag for you. See, it is stained
with her blood, the blood of martyrs, with which the cruel British water the
soil of India.
HITLER [holding
flag]: We shall avenge them! Your mother can rest in peace and India will
be free! I promise.
EVA: Oh, Adolf! India calls to my heart and
soul, asking me to help liberate her from the vile British.
HITLER: I was waiting for a sign. These
valiant young men, who have come so far to us, are the sign I was seeking. I
shall not rest now till India is liberated!
BHARAT and MOHAN: Dear friend Hitler!
EVA: Hear us, Mother India! We are coming
to set you free!
4: India. General Dyer’s office. A
huge Union Jack hangs on the wall behind the general’s desk, above a collection
of whips which he (presumably) uses to flog recalcitrant Indians into line.
DYER and AIDE DE CAMP are talking.]
AIDE [laughing]:
I’ve just heard that some troublemaking natives have gone to Germany to ask
Hitler for help in throwing us out of India.
DYER: What makes you think it’s funny?
AIDE: Hitler is such a buffoon. How can he
help them?
DYER [rising
and striding up and down the room]: Hitler is a lover of India. He loves
these natives and their religions and language and culture, their temples and
towns and their ancient civilisation. He even uses their swastika as his
symbol, and acknowledges that Indians originally invented everything that we
know of today. He even learned their language so that he can understand them
AIDE: I am told one of these troublemakers
is the son of one of the protestors you shot the other day.
DYER: I should have shot them all and left
none alive. I’m too kind, that’s the problem.
AIDE: I did not know that Hitler loved
these troublemaking, contemptible Indians.
DYER: He’s right though, that the Indians
invented everything originally. But that was then. Now we are on top. We have
our boots on their necks and we will never let them go.
AIDE: And he’ll help them against us?
DYER: Of course he’ll help them against us.
He will do everything in his power to help them.
AIDE: He is a traitor to Western
DYER: Yes he is. He is on the side of these
inferior races, these natives. But he won’t succeed! [Snatches whip from wall and smashes it down on the desk.] I will
crush these Indians once and for all! And I shall destroy Hitler, too!
AIDE [doubtfully]:
Destroy Hitler? Do you really think you can manage that?
DYER: I am the one who can split a stone
with a piece of glass. Anything I want to do, I can.
AIDE [saluting]:
I will be by your side always, General!
DYER: Good, now this is what you must do...
[Leans conspiratorially toward AIDE, murmuring orders.]
5: India. A small temple at the
YOGI’s ashram, empty but for the idol, which is garlanded with flowers and
before which incense is burning. Enter YOUNG WOMAN, who by this time probably
should be given a name. Let’s see...GANGA (the Ganges river). That should do.]
GANGA: God, I have just heard that the evil
British general Dyer is soon going to Germany at the head of an army, to fight
our dear friend Hitler and to destroy all hope of Indian freedom. Let me tell
you something, God. When I agreed to send my husband and Mohan to Germany, I
thought that you would protect them. But if something happens to them...
noises of stage thunder as camera focuses on the face of the idol, repeatedly
zooming partly in and out.]
GANGA [wagging
index finger furiously in idol’s face]: ...then it will be you responsible for it, God! You!
crashing noise of stage thunder and camera zooming.]
YOGI [entering]:
Don’t be disturbed, my child. God never does anything but for good. Your
husband and his friend will be fine. God sent them on his holy mission, and the
British general will never be able to harm them, I assure you.
GANGA: Oh, Holy One. You are such a
YOGI: Go home, child, and focus all your
energies on your husband’s mission. Fast for him, day and night. For do our
holy scriptures not say that the wife’s duty is to fast for her husband’s
welfare, and...
focuses on idol’s face as YOGI and
GANGA exit.]
6: Berlin. Hitler’s private quarters.
As scene opens, EVA Braun is
adjusting a sari which she has evidently just finished putting on. Enter HITLER
in a Nehru jacket.]
following dialogue in Hindi, of course]: Eva! You look so beautiful.
EVA: I love this Indian dress. I shall
never wear anything else again. Indian clothes are the best in the whole world!
HITLER: I love this Nehru jacket too.
EVA: You look so distinguished, Adolf. I
hope you will wear it every day.
HITLER: Once India is free, I will visit
that holy land, wearing this, and you shall be at my side. We will seek the
ancient wisdom of that great country, you and I.
EVA: Oh, Adolf, I am quite overcome! You
love India so much, just as I do!
HITLER [singing]:
My heart overflows with the love
To see you free
To see your head raised high
In freedom and liberty.
As long as the sun may shine
Wherever the clouds do fly
They will carry the message
India will never die.
EVA [singing]:
Oh my darling, you love so much
That distant country, as do I
The forests that slope to the ocean
The mountains that touch the sky.
My love, my soul, my darling sweet
Someday that land we’ll see
Freed of oppression and humiliation
Standing tall in liberty.
BOTH [singing]:
Together we’ll sail the Ganges
Climb the Himalaya so mighty, high
Explore the wisdom and mystery
That grew under India’s blessed sky.
Someday, when the world grows weary
To India sailing we’ll go
And there we will remain together
Forever and evermore.
[The two GUARDS, BHARAT, and MOHAN burst
GUARD No. 1: The British army has attacked!
Part of it is advancing from one direction.
HITLER: Quick, summon half my army to
battle! Tell my generals to fight back and defeat them.
GUARD No. 1: Yes, sir! [Salutes and exits. Sounds of gunfire begin,
with explosions.]
GUARD No. 2: Another part of the British
army is advancing from another direction.
HITLER: Tell the rest of my generals to
order the other half of my army to fight back and defeat them.
GUARD No. 2: Yes, sir! [Salutes and exits. More explosions and
BHARAT: Dear friend Hitler, we have heard
that it is the vile General Dyer himself who is in charge of the British army.
He killed my mother and has come seeking us here.
HITLER: Dyer! That devil! He will not get
away alive this time.
EVA: He will be destroyed by your army, I
am sure, Adolf.
MOHAN: I am afraid, sir, that he may try
some trick. Your entire army is occupied now in defeating his forces, fighting
on two sides, and in the meantime he may...
DYER, brandishing a revolver.]
DYER: Ha, ha, ha. Hitler, here you are, at
my mercy. Prepare to die!
HITLER: Dyer, you have come, but you will
not leave alive. [Snatches up pistol from
nearby table.] I will take your dead body.
DYER: Dog, worm, open your ears and listen.
I will kill you by your life. Aren’t you afraid, now that I am going to kill
HITLER: Idiot, only those fear death, who
have not drunk their mother’s milk. Think of how you oppress all those poor
Indians and you will see that you cannot escape their curses. How long do you
think you can continue oppressing them without facing the consequences?
DYER: I don’t give a damn about these
bloody Indians. They’re cockroaches. I should have killed them all earlier.
Never mind, once I kill you I’ll finish them. Never forget that I am the one
who can split a stone with a piece of glass.
HITLER: India is a great and proud country
which shall soon prove itself to be the greatest and best in the world, the
fount of Aryan culture. As for you, your country will vanish from the pages of
DYER [gritting
teeth]: Dog! I will drink your blood and go.
HITLER: I will make you remember your
both open fire. DYER’s bullet misses.
HITLER shoots DYER’s gun right out of his hand with his return
HITLER: Now, Dyer, your time to face
justice has come.
DYER: Wait. Come in, Aide, and bring the
woman with you.
looks, DYER with satisfaction, the
rest with horror, as AIDE enters,
dragging GANGA at the end of a rope
tied around her wrists and holding a gun pointed at her.]
BHARAT: Oh no! Ganga, my darling.
DYER: Surrender to me, or the woman gets
it. How could you ever forget that I am the one who can split a stone with a
piece of glass?
GANGA: No! Don’t yield. Let them kill me,
but don’t yield. The freedom of India is more important than what happens to
HITLER: How can I stand by and watch a
woman harmed? It’s a matter of honour. [Begins
to lower gun.] You are a cowardly swine, Dyer. You won’t get away with
DYER: No? We shall see. Put down that gun.
[HITLER puts
it down on the table. DYER snatches
it up.]
DYER: Now eat bullets. [Shoots HITLER, laughing.]
HITLER [clutching
chest and giving Nazi salute]: Victory will be India’s! [Dies.]
EVA [throws
herself on his corpse, screaming]: Adolf! Adolf, my love!
DYER [to
AIDE]: Shoot her! Shoot the woman! [To
others] I’ve been telling you over and over that I am the one who can split
stone with a piece of glass, and you still don’t believe me.
BHARAT: And I am the one who can split your
jaw with my fist. [Punches DYER, who goes tumbling.]
AIDE [confused]:
Shoot which woman, sir? This one or that one?
MOHAN: Neither. [Punches AIDE, who also goes
tumbling]. How dare you two try to harm my sister-in-law and kill our great
[DYER and
AIDE climb to their feet, raising their
fists. They fight with BHARAT and MOHAN.
Furniture splinters as each punch sends
the four of them somersaulting, even though the blows clearly miss by fifteen
DYER [gaining
upper hand, to BHARAT]: You Indians have failed. Hitler is dead. Give up
now and you can live until your hanging.
AIDE [to
MOHAN]: India never will be free.
BHARAT [snatching
up DYER’s original gun, which he has found
on the floor during the fight]: This
is for India, for my mother, and for our dear friend Hitler. [Shoots DYER, who falls dead.]
MOHAN [snatching
up HITLER’S gun, which DYER had dropped during the fight]: Now eat bullets
yourself. [Shoots AIDE, who falls dead.]
MOHAN: The evil Dyer is dead!
EVA [sobbing]:
So is my beloved Adolf.
GANGA: What will happen to us now? To the
cause of Indian freedom?
MOHAN [untying
her]: Please don’t cry, dear sister-in-law, all is not lost yet.
BHARAT [delving
into his pocket]: The Yogi gave me these Sanjeevani herbs. [Applies them to Hitler’s chest, over the
bullet hole.] They can work miracles!
[HITLER begins
to breathe, then gasp and cough, and finally blinks and sits up.]
EVA: Adolf! You’re alive!
HITLER: Where am I? Oh, I remember now. Where
is that rascal Dyer?
EVA: Oh, Adolf, our heroic Indian friends
killed them both, and saved this wonderful young woman too. And then they
brought you back to life.
BHARAT: It was only our duty.
GUARD No. 1 [running in]: Sir, the first half of the British army has been
GUARD No.2 [running in]: Sir, the second half of the British army has been
EVA: Oh, Adolf! We’ve won!
HITLER: So shall all British oppressors of India soon be
shattered and destroyed!
BHARAT, MOHAN and GANGA: India will be
HITLER [gives Nazi salute]: Heil India!
ALL: Heil India! Heil!
Credits roll.]
Copyright B Purkayastha 2014
what a brain you have indeed
ReplyDeletebut you don't devote time to meditation?
:D thank you i needed good laugh
ReplyDeleteBrilliant! I wished I could clap at certain parts.
ReplyDeleteThe caption to the picture of Hitler and the deer made me laugh.
ReplyDeleteActually, that was the first place I laughed in this one.
Hitler is a fantastic protagonist. I once wrote a novel about the War on Terror that had George W. Bush as the protagonist. It wasn't easy, but it was fun.
Is that novel online? I'd like to read it.
DeleteBack during the period 2003-6 I did several skits and stories featuring Bush. It was fun, I agree.
Not only is it not online, I don't even know where the second half is anymore. I found the first part saved in a yahoo email account three weeks back, but the rest might be disappeared forever.
DeleteWhen I read it upon finding it (it's called "Oops!: The Honest-to-God,100% True Tale of the War on Terror"), it was a little "South Park" for my taste now.
A real hoot. Thanks, Bill. Favorite line: Hitler: I'll make you remember your grandmother.
ReplyDelete*That was an actual line uttered by former prime minister Rajiv Gandhi, threatening his political opponents.
DeleteBill, Brilliant! This was one of the funniest Hitler stories ever.
ReplyDeleteI think this even has coined a new word to describe how funny I thought it was, "cosmical". A mix of comical and cosmic. What a brilliant mind you have, so absolutely inventive. You are an amazing story teller sir.
(Still laughing)