Refugees are big business these days, in
more ways than one, as will readily become apparent. In fact, if you’re a
self-respecting part of the corporate-political nexus, a Refugee Crisis is not
convenient, it’s essential.
But refugees don’t appear out of thin air
just like that. People have an inconsiderate habit of preferring to live in
their own homes, in their own countries, among their own friends and relatives,
and have to be forced out into a migration if you’re going to have the refugee
crisis you need.
So how do you go about creating it?
There are some simple steps.
1: Create a
socioeconomic breakdown or arrange a war.
A war is preferable to a mere socioeconomic
breakdown, because the threat of being blown to pieces is a greater
motivational force than reduced income and the possibility of being mugged in
the streets. Also, wars involve the creation and consumption of weaponry, and
the creators of those weapons obviously stand to make a handsome profit on
them. Also, nations tend to have the distressing habit of throwing out
governments responsible for socioeconomic crises and replacing them with more
nationalistic rulers with far greater suspicions about foreign capital.
So, if at all possible, arrange a war. It should not be all that
difficult. You have, at your disposal, funds enough to buy “activists” and arm
and train mercenaries. You also have full control of the media, while
pretending that it is free and independent. This will come in handy later, when
you need to direct public opinion.
Begin by planting stories in said media that
the “regime” you target is a brutal, vicious tyranny. These stories should call
out for war in the name of saving people, because, you understand, you need to
set the stage for a refugee crisis. You can’t do that if you demonise the
entire population and demand they be exterminated.
Once those stories have taken hold, push
them through reliable liberal puppets, especially celebrities with a large
following. The average liberal has no such thing as a mind; all it wants is to
feel good about itself, and to that end it will slavishly and mindlessly ape
whatever its peer group says and does. If you can get that peer group to openly
endorse and demand war, your job is half done.
Two: Intensify
the War.
Now your average war using modern weaponry
is a fairly expensive thing, and one of its drawbacks is that it tends to send
your own troops – poverty draftees though they may be – home in coffins or
missing limbs. This is not good for public relations, and tends to cool off
that selfsame liberal hankering for infliction of bloodshed you are trying your
best to foster. Therefore, if the country you’re targeting is capable of shooting
back at you, you’re far better off unleashing hordes of proxies – “rebels”,
jihadis, Nazis, whatever fits the situation – on it. These vermin are
expendable as far as you’re concerned, and, besides, they have one tremendous
advantage. Unlike your troops, who may possibly be unenthusiastic about taking
part in what is clearly a war of choice, these terrorists are often highly
committed, and with the arms and training, money and diplomatic support you
provide, can inflict massive and sustained damage.
Also, the liberals I talked about will
embrace them as freedom fighters, while, if you send your troops off to some
country they can’t find on a map on the other side of the planet, they may
start having questions about your motives once the coffins start coming home.
Now look at all the other advantages of
using, say, jihadi proxies. These are psychopaths you can readily recruit,
manipulate, and send off to kill and die, which will, in the short term, reduce
some of the dangers they might pose at home. A disaffected petty criminal or
thug who in the normal course of events would be occupying a jail cell and
eating food at taxpayers’ expense can instead be turned into a weapon and sent
off to do your bidding, which he will in the belief that he’s actually obeying
divine orders, and be far more effective at it.
Unless the target nation is truly incompetent,
in which case your puppet “activists” should be enough to bring the government
down in a stage managed “colour revolution”, it will react to the attacks by
your proxies by cracking down, hard. This is the point at which you must double
down on the media war. You must accuse the enemy of all kinds of atrocities,
and arrange for your puppet jihadis to create appropriate atrocities to blame
on them. The liberals will now not only support your arming and training these
precious “freedom fighters”, they will go further and demand military
intervention to “save the children”.
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With more weapons and funds than ever
before, your jihadis can then take the war into the civilian territory of
cities. Unlike the classic guerrilla wars of the twentieth century, today’s
guerrilla wars are fought largely in cities, and will continue to be so fought.
Attacked from within the mazes of streets and warrens of residential buildings
of the average modern city, the target government will have no option but to
strike back, causing huge civilian casualties. This will kill two birds with
one CIA-supplied bullet.
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First, it will give you further propaganda ammunition for your media to
use, and the demands for war “to save the children” coming from your
brainwashed liberals will grow so shrill that – unless someone else, like say
Russia, stops you – you will feel entitled and empowered to start said war. By
this time the target nation will be fairly weakened, and you may be able to
wage it without too many casualties, especially if you confine your activities
to air strikes and (except for “advisers” and disguised special forces) allow
your terrorists to do the fighting on the ground. Even if you do take
casualties, you can pass them off as deaths and injuries suffered in the war
against tyranny and despotism.
Secondly, it will create a tidal wave of refugees, who will swamp services
in the territory the government still controls and spill over into neighbouring
nations. These refugees, of course, are a resource, and we will now discuss
Three: Using
the Refugees.
In the course of this article, I have
assumed, probably legitimately, that any country that intends to use this
tactic will be a late-stage capitalist economy. Such an economy has some
characteristic features.
the market is saturated. There are only so many cars, washing machines,
television sets and other goodies each individual can own. The population is
typically nearly static, and even if it is not actually falling, there is never
quite enough demand to consume all that is manufactured.
As a consequence, competition becomes cut-throat. Richer, larger companies can afford
to undercut smaller firms, which go out of business. But the end result is that
the market is sliced up between a few competing enterprises, which are almost
equally powerful. Unless they begin cooperating openly to fix prices, which in
turn is likely to run afoul of monopoly laws, the result is smaller and smaller
profit margins.
What do you do about this?
You take the step that leads to the third feature of a late-stage capitalist
society. You try and maximise profit by any means possible. You fire your local
workers and outsource all your production,
if possible, to South East Asian sweatshops using de facto slave labour. But
that also leaves you with a public relations problem (and in a late-stage
capitalist economy, appearance and public relations are far more important than substance). So your other option is to
replace your own workers with others.
Can you see one use of the refugees now?
First, they are desperate for work, and will do anything for a fraction
of the pay you would be expected to give native workers.
Secondly, you can pose as a humanitarian benefactor, who is giving these poor people the chance nobody else is.
Third, not all the refugees are going to be semi-skilled car mechanics or
masons. In fact, it is far more likely that the majority of them will be the
educated middle class – doctors, teachers, media professionals. These can
easily, with only a modicum of retraining or none at all, be integrated into
your own hospitals and universities. They are people unused to hardship, who
have left behind a lifetime of comfort, and will be desperate to work at
something they know how to do, even at a fraction of their former salaries. And what do your own doctors, media
professionals, and teachers do then?
Faced with competition from people who are
willing to work at a tenth of what they themselves earn, what can they do but accept
pay cuts themselves? What alternative do they have?
And, fourth,
if your war keeps festering, these refugee camps serve as excellent recruitment
pools of more angry, despairing young men to arm and train and send off to do
your bidding for you.
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So many birds killed with one more
CIA-supplied bullet!
But, wait, I’m not through yet.
Four: The
Refugees’ Revenge.
It’s more than obvious to anyone who spends
more than ten seconds thinking about it (that is, anyone who isn’t a liberal),
that not all the refugees flooding your shores will be harmless civilians. A
lot of them will, inevitably, be petty criminals, thugs, malcontents and sociopaths,
who would be petty criminals, thugs, malcontents and sociopaths anywhere. They
won’t stop being such only because you let them into your country. Soon enough,
they will resume their criminal activities. At first these will be among their
fellow refugees, but this can’t go far, because the other refugees will have
nothing left to steal or extort. So, inevitably, these criminals will turn on
their host societies...that is, on you.
And if your war goes sour, then what
happens to those terrorists you armed and trained? Not all of them will be
willing to give their lives in glorious last stands. A lot, if not a majority,
will look for somewhere to run. One obvious place to run will be along with the
refugee flood, where they have an extremely high chance of getting to safety by
using the genuine refugees as camouflage. In a tide of fleeing humanity, where
everyone is running for their lives, who will ever know who they are?
But, of course, just because they’ve been
defeated and sent fleeing doesn’t mean they will necessarily accept their
defeats and settle down. Far more likely, they will turn their anger on the
same society around them (that is, on you,
again). The reasons are not difficult to
Remember how you recruited them and
indoctrinated them with religious fervour to give their lives for jihad? Well,
to do that, you’d have had to convince them to hate every sign of female emancipation,
personal freedom, and tolerance – the same features that are also hallmarks of
your own society. You failed to get them to cram the women of the target
country into niqabs and shut down nightclubs...and so, when they look around
and see your nude beaches and your nightclubs, what do you think they’ll
Secondly, don’t think they’re just
automatons. They’re human beings. They have the same resentments and urges to
vengeance as the rest of us. You promised them a quick victory, and sent them
off to get slaughtered. Now they’re back, having seen their friends get slaughtered,
while you did nothing that could actually help them win. Do you think they’ll
forgive and forget?
Thirdly, when you arranged for your proxy
war, you couldn’t possibly have operated in a vacuum. You will have had to work
in conjunction with someone; some outfit that provided an ideological framework
and leadership for these people. This outfit might have many names – let us
call it, here, al Jihada. You think al Jihada is your tool, to use when you
want and discard when necessary.
precisely, makes you imagine al Jihada does not think of you in exactly the
same way?
The high command of al Jihada is also as
intelligent as you, and as amoral as you, and thinks of the average jihadi foot
soldier in exactly the same way as you: a disposable pawn. However, its
own image of the future is radically different from yours.
All you
want is slave labour for your farms and your factories, and a captive market in
the conquered and destroyed target country for your corporations to exploit.
For al Jihada, that is a stepping stone, only. What does it want in the long
For an answer...just look around you.
Five: The
These, then, are the effects of the
refugees on the host country:
First, rising unemployment among the natives as they are replaced with
refugees. If they are not laid off they can expect a substantial fall in
Secondly, rising crime levels owing to the crooks among the refugees. Since
these criminals are not known to the police and their modus operandi are
unknown, they will at least at first enjoy a fair amount of success. And this
success in turn will bring them into both conflict and cooperation with local
gangs, which will in any case further increase the crime rate.
Thirdly, terrorist attacks from vengeful returned jihadis and from al
Jihada sleeper cells among the refugees.
Quite naturally this will all lead to
increased tensions among the locals, and will be exploited by right wing
elements, who will cite demographic and cultural threats from the refugees,
blaming them all for it. The
refugees, and non-refugees of the same broad ethnicity, will come under
increasing attack from right wing gangs and political parties, both verbally
and physically.
Don’t panic! Never let a good crisis go to
waste. This is only a further opportunity. All you have to do is use this to...
Six: The
Police State.
Citing the increased terrorist attacks
(from both sides; you want to keep the liberals happy), you say the needs of security
demands increased public and private surveillance. You put up CCTV cameras on
every street corner, making sure they are able to fail mysteriously when you
need to do something you don’t want on public record. You tap phone
conversations, monitor emails, and in fact do everything to ensure no real
threat rises against your rule and system, ever again.
Meanwhile, your war has ended in disaster,
has it? Never mind. Public memory, aided by your slavish media, is so short as
to be nonexistent.
Seven: Pick a
fresh target country. The new refugees will serve to undercut the old.
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Rinse, lather, repeat.
You’re welcome.
ReplyDeleteYou just described the idiotic US of A since at least 1945 and its own use of damn fool wars of choice, one of which I was involved in, Vietnam.
Yes, we have seen your commentary first hand in the UK and other parts of Europe in the past few weeks/months. I have zero doubt we here in 'Merikkka will get first hand the very same or worse quite soon.
Hell, even that old Middle Eastern book of fables/fairy tales, the holly buy-bull says something about reaping what you sow. What goes around comes around. Or, as we used to say when I was in the University of Science, Music, and Culture (USMC), retribution is incest. {hint to that last comment doubt retribution, payback is a mother****er}
Words, words, words.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was a lad, the word 'liberal' had one meaning: support for the median worker. This meant progressive (up to 101% of income) taxes, so the top CEOs had to set their salaries at only 5 times the median worker's salary, and they had to hire LOTS of workers (for the tax breaks). Liberals were against stupid, foreign wars.
Today, the word I use is 'neo-liberal.' Like liberals, neo-liberals are on the Left, meaning, the rich and powerful must be Left to take everything they want from everyone, everywhere in the world, and the rest of us get whatever is Left.
Neo-liberals have absolutely nothing in common with those I call 'liberals'.
"today’s guerrilla wars are fought largely in cities, and will continue to do so."
ReplyDeleteProblem of parallelism: WARS are fought ... will do so.
Fixed! Shukran.
DeleteThis is the ultimate pyramid scam for making gobs of money in the long term as well has having control (without appearing to)of a lot of humans. Now we are almost good enough at it for self-perpetuation.