I remember 2003.
I remember the build up to the war crime that was the Iraq
invasion very, very well. Back then, I was just starting to use the internet on
a regular basis, and was yet to purchase my first computer. It’s hard to
believe, but I was virtually computer-illiterate till early 2001; even so, by 2002
it was already more than clear to me that Amerikastan would invade Iraq.
Before I go on, let me say something
clearly: unlike the popular fiction these days, I do not imagine that Bush’s
invasion of Iraq was the Ultimate Evil committed against that unhappy country.
By 2003, after all, Iraq had been under constant and starvation-level sanctions
since 1990, and the blood soaked war criminal William Jefferson Clinton had
been bombing it virtually round the clock since 1995. Half a million or more
Iraqi children had been starved to death by the sanctions by the late 1990s,
and yet the Amerikastani war criminal and Secretary of State Madeleine Albright
got away with saying that it was an acceptable price to pay to “keep Saddam in
his box”.
This same Albright now endorses the blood
soaked war criminal Killary Klingon, which is absolutely no surprise to anyone
with two brain cells to rub together.
So, no, the Iraq invasion wasn’t something
that suddenly happened out of nowhere – the basis was laid very carefully by
one blood soaked mass murdering Warmonger in Warshington, and another Warmonger
in Warshington took it forward. That the two war criminals belonged to separate
criminal gangs “political parties” made no difference; a two party system
is always and inevitably one single party with two faces, something any
politically aware person should know.
Despite all the mass antiwar protests
around the planet, then, no sane person could have any doubt that the
Imperialist States of Amerikastan would invade Iraq. By late 2002, the
marketing campaign for the invasion was in full swing. This was far from
unknown even in the boondocks of the planet like India, and this was something
that got a lot of people concerned.
I myself had no illusions that the invasion
was anything but coming, and on the two or three occasions per week I managed to get online
from an internet cafe – as I said, I didn’t own a computer then – I did my best
to oppose it on all the online fora that were open to me. Among the things that
I did was write a series of skits lampooning Bush, whom I treated as stupid and
evil beyond belief. Some of those pieces actually got published in a local
magazine, the Eastern Panorama.
Today, I would apologise to Bush for those
pieces. I didn’t then know how much less bad he would turn out to be than his
blood soaked mass murdering successor, the child-droning Nazi-funding
jihadi-supporting war criminal Barack Hussein Obama. I was naive then. I’m
But this isn’t about me; it’s about the
Indian attitude towards the Amerikastani invasion of Iraq.
I believe I’ve spoken enough in the past
about the utter hypocrisy of the Great Indian Muddle Class and its looking out
only for its own interests. In 2001, the Great Indian Muddle Class had been
mindlessly stupid enough to support Bush’ invasion of Afghanistan. The yellow
rag India Today (an exemplar of ultra
right wing gutter journalism, if there ever was one) had taken up Amerikastan’s
cause as its own. When the 11/9 attacks happened, its cover story had been, I
remember well, WAR AGAINST THE WORLD. That was the first time I heard that
Amerikastan was the world; I’d yet to
meet Amerikastanis online and discover that this was actually what the majority
of them believe. When Bush’s Northern Alliance warlords took Kabul, India Today – and even the rival Outlook, a better magazine – had splashed
the same photo across their covers, and declared that liberation was at hand. The
caution showed by left wing media outlets like Frontline magazine was treated almost as traitorous. Bush was god.
This was over Afghanistan, which, actually,
had some effect on India. Kashmiri and other insurgents – even Hindu ULFA
militants from Assam in east India – found training and sanctuary in the
badlands of Southern Afghanistan. The arms markets of the Afghan Pakistan border
fuelled separatist movements across the Indian subcontinent. So one might
excuse these morons for being deluded enough to imagine Bush’s Afghan adventure
might have some positive effects on India.
Not one of these things applied to Iraq.
Saddam Hussein was, by most indicators, not
a particularly nice man. But he was the
best friend India has ever had in the Arab, and indeed in the Muslim, world.
He had, over and over again, blocked anti-Indian resolutions in the
Organisation of Islamic Cooperation. On one famous occasion, when India had faced a
fuel supply crisis, he’d ordered all Iraqi-owned oil on ships in the Indian
Ocean diverted to Indian ports. Indian citizens living and working in Iraq had
never faced the slightest discrimination, unlike their treatment in other Arab
nations of the region. He was resolutely anti-jihadi, totally opposed to the
people who had (allegedly) committed the WAR AGAINST THE WORLD attack of 2001. And
this was not something that even the media could ignore.
By end 2002, therefore, there was a lot of
disquiet in the country over the coming invasion. Even the media which had been
formerly blindly supportive of Amerikastan’s jihad against Afghanistan became
somewhat wary, and one finally began reading articles expressing caution about
Bush’s future plans. Then something interesting happened.
I can’t prove this, but I am almost certain
that money changed hands to “manage” public opinion, for reasons I’ll talk
about in just a moment. The source of the money was obvious: the Amerikastani
Embassy in Delhi, later to morph into the virtual control centre of Indian
foreign policy for the next decade. And it was spent on getting favourable
mentions in the media.
Thus it was that Anita Pratap, once an
anti-war centre-left columnist, wrote (in Outlook
in 2003, just before the invasion) that Bush had done all he could to avert the
invasion and the ball was now in Saddam Hussein’s court. (I emailed her repeatedly
about this but quite predictably never got a response.) Writing in Week
– another magazine, which I almost never read – one Manjula Padmanabhan, a
particularly self-important woman whom I detest, said that the Amerikastani troops
going to Kuwait to help invade Iraq were so handsome that they were “obviously
on the side of good and morality” and she could only pray for their speedy and
successful return. Yellow rags like India
Today and The Telegraph of
Calcutta (even more right wing than the British Telegraph) started reporting on the build up to the invasion as
though it was a sports tournament, with breathless excitement.
The media offensive, of course, wasn’t
necessary to sway much of the Great Indian Muddle Class. Some kind of cricket
tournament, maybe a so-called World Cup, was about to start. I remember one
unnamed Muddler being quoted as saying that he hoped Bush would hold off “starting
the show” until the tournament was over, so he could enjoy them both. Some
idiot I recall wrote a letter published in The
Telegraph saying Saddam Hussein was a “raving bigot” and needed to be
overthrown. I wrote a response, which was of course not published.
Then there was a Hindunazi hero, one Pravin
Togadia, who was both a surgeon and the leader of a gang of Hindunazi goons. Togadia
– who is so toxic that even the current Modi regime will have nothing to do
with him – supported the invasion on the grounds that “Muslims would get killed”.
When it was pointed out that Iraq had been a friend of India, he said that he
would “look into that.” I suppose he is still looking into it, because I’ve not
heard him say a word about it since then.
Back then, the government of India was
under the Hindunazi Atal Behari Vajpayee. Unlike the current lot in power,
though, Vajpayee was no dictator ruling by Führerprinzip;
he led a coalition of disparate parties, and by nature was also a genial old
codger more given to compromise than confrontation. This is important to
remember, because otherwise things would have turned out rather differently.
Fast forward to the immediate aftermath of
the invasion, when the Amerikastanis and their Coalition of the Billing had
just occupied Iraq. If you recall, the then government of France, under Jacques
Chirac, had taken the incredibly intelligent and courageous course of refusing
to join the invasion, to the fury of the Amerikastanis. There was some airy
talk of “punishing” France, kicking it out of the Security Council, and so on. And
right after the invasion, Amerikastan started demanding other countries send
troops to help in the occupation. “You’re either with us or you’re with the
terrorists,” as the blood soaked war criminal Bush said.
Wouldn’t you believe it? India Today and The Telegraph at once took up the line, urging India to send
troops. The Telegraph kindly
suggested that if a “fig leaf’ was necessary, a UN resolution calling for
restoring peace in Iraq would do the job, and also that any Indian troops that
might be sent would go to Mosul. Mosul was peaceful, and there would be no
fighting there at all.
Mosul? Does that word sound familiar? Yes,
that’s the same Mosul which is the Iraqi capital of ISIS. The Mosul that even
back then was a bone of contention between Arabs, Kurds, and Turkmen. That Mosul.
Today went much further. It was India’s chance to “sit
at the high table”, it declared. France would inevitably be thrown out of the
Security Council, and India should seize the chance to replace it. Bush, it
averred, was going to “make India a superpower”, and only leftist traitors
would object. So, it said, “send the troops”.
Now this is what happened. Even as the
government officially denied that there was any plan to send troops, as it
turned out later, several divisions had actually been earmarked for the purpose
and were merely waiting for the go-ahead. The Hindunazi Home Minister at the
time, Lal Krishna Advani, actually promised the Amerikastanis that India would
send troops, and told them that this did not require ratification by the Indian
parliament. Where he got this idea I can’t tell you; maybe, like the Bush
regime, he was “creating his own reality”.
I said that the then prime minister,
Vajpayee, was someone who preferred consensus. Instead of merely signing off on
Advani’s promise, he asked the other political parties for their opinions. The
Congress party, then in opposition – as we shall see, it became fanatically
pro-Amerikastani when in power – refused to go along. The Left, too, was
opposed. And Vajpayee at once scotched the deal. The troops would not be sent.
As it turned out, there was another
dimension to it. The idea was somehow that Amerikastan would pay for India to
send and maintain the soldiers in Iraq, pay their salaries and so on. Of course
this did not happen. And only the utterly deluded could have imagined this was
even possible.
One can only guess at what would have
happened if India had sent those soldiers. India’s experience of interventions
in other people’s wars has been dismal. It occupied northern and eastern Sri
Lanka in 1987-89 and lost a brutal guerrilla war there. The troops it sent as “peacekeepers”
to various African countries were withdrawn after repeated accusations of
sexual abuse and corruption. In Iraq, as the resistance grew increasingly more
overt, with bases routinely hit by mortars and patrols by IEDs and snipers, the
casualties would have correspondingly grown in number. Especially with the
Indian Army’s fairly primitive equipment, which to this day doesn’t even extend
to a reliable rifle or Kevlar helmets or body armour, the casualty count would have
been fairly horrendous.
And who would have been blamed when these
dead and wounded troops came back home? Muslims and leftists, that’s who. One,
because their co-religionists were fighting these troops and inflicting those
casualties, and never mind that they were only defending their country; the
other, because leftists had opposed the sending of the soldiers in the first
place, and therefore must be “celebrating” the bloodshed and be to blame.
Muslims and leftists are already hated
enough in India without giving the Great Indian Muddle Class even more of an
excuse to hate us all.
There was an interesting sidelight to the
whole affair, which shows the mindset of the Muddle Class. The Telegraph ran an SMS poll just after the invasion asking
whether it was justified. About 84% of the respondents said no. The very next
day the same paper ran a poll asking whether India should send troops to help
in the occupation.
Some 80% said yes.
In 2004, the Vajpayee regime lost the
elections and the Congress took over. By that time, the Iraqi resistance had
already grown so strong and increasingly effective, inflicting every more
casualties on the occupiers, that nobody could talk any longer about sending
soldiers. But the Congress, which overnight changed its policies once in power,
at once allowed ex-soldiers to sign
up with mercenary outfits and rush off to serve in Iraq. Former military
officers even set up recruitment agencies for mercenaries in Delhi. I can only speculate
how much money they made, and what happened to those mercs.
Nothing good, I sincerely hope.
The Vajpayee regime had also banned Indian
nationals from going to Iraq; the Congress lifted this ban, and Indian lorry
drivers and cooks, mechanics and labourers, at once rushed off to serve the
Amerikastani occupiers. This finally and inevitably led to a group of them
being taken captive by an insurgent outfit called the Order Of The Black
Banner. I recall much palaver at the time, in such newspapers as the tabloid The Times Of India, about how “Entebbe-style”
raids should be conducted to free them. As far as I recall the government
washed its hands of the whole matter, and it was the lorry company owners who
ransomed the captives – who then complained that they had spent their savings
to get to Iraq and these jobs, and now had lost them both.
At this same time, there was another way by
which Indians were going to Iraq. These were Indians who signed up with the official
occupation forces for a stint as a war criminal in return for Amerikastani
citizenship. I am glad to say that several of them were exterminated by the
Iraqi resistance. An Amerikastani general attended the funeral of one of these
worthies and made a speech about how he’d gone to “fight for freedom”. An
Indian “activist’ called Subhash Chandra Agarwal, who seems to spend all his
spare time writing letters to newspapers, at once wrote a letter to the editor
calling this general the “army chief” and saying that Indians should start
supporting the American occupation since then Americans would buy Indian goods.
I responded saying that Agarwal was entitled to his freedom of speech, but not
to his own fantasies; and that whether Americans bought Indian goods would
depend on their cost and quality, and not on what India did or didn’t do in
Iraq. That was a letter that the local paper here published, albeit in heavily edited
form; I was effectively blacklisted soon after.
Then there was when Saddam Hussein was
captured. The Telegraph ran a full
front page article celebrating this; GOT HIM! or something similar was the
headline. When he was hanged, the same rag celebrated it with another full
front page with noose shaped headlines.
By that time it was openly campaigning for English to be replaced by Americanish
in India, and for India to dump neutrality for an alliance with Amerikastan.
This was of course not on its own volition; it was also a fanatic supporter of
the Congress regime, and especially of the rubber stamp “prime minister”, the spectacularly
incompetent Manmohan Singh, who rewarded it with special access to him on his
What was Singh like? I’ll just say this: this
man, who has never, in his life, even won a municipal level election, hugged
George W Bush and assured him that the “people of India love you”. These would
be the people of India who had never voted for him in the first place. As a
leftist politician snarked, everyone knew that Singh loved Bush, but why did he
have to drag the people of India into it?
There was one more attempt to manufacture
consent around this time, and this was for weapons sales. Amerikastan was
trying to get India to buy its Patriot missiles. I recall reading a story
planted in The Times Of India about
how good the new Patriots were. In 1990, they had, the paper admitted, failed
to intercept many Iraqi SCUDS (actually, they hadn’t successfully intercepted a
single one); but in 2003, not a single Iraqi
missile had got through successfully!
Well, of course no Iraqi missile had got
through successfully; there were none in the first place. If Iraq had had any
missiles then Bush’s WMD tales would have been true, wouldn’t they? I did point
this out to the paper; they never published my response. What a surprise.
By the time Bush was replaced by Barack
Hussein Obama, a certain wariness had entered into Indian attitudes towards
Amerikastan. The fantasies about France being kicked out of the Security Council,
of Bush making India a superpower, and so on had of course been long since
abandoned. The former cheerleaders for sending soldiers to Iraq were trying
hard to pretend that had never happened. When Obama attacked Libya in 2011,
there was not a single whimper of support, just frantic attempts to get Indian
citizens away. And today, as far as possible, Indian news doesn’t mention Iraq
at all. Even Indian workers captured by ISIS are now never talked about; it’s
as though they vanished into thin air.
It’s almost as though, you know, the
country doesn’t exist anymore.
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ReplyDeleteThe American right believes that US soldiers found the WMD, but it was classified Top Secret, since Bush, jr didn't want Americans to be terrified, which they would have been had they learned that, when the US soldiers arrived (without any armour), the fuses were lit and the soldiers extinguished them just in the nick of time. They admit Bush, jr's necessary actions resulted in a total of about 4,000 deaths. Obama was responsible for only a total of a few hundred deaths, but one of them was a US Ambassador, so that was much worse.
The US left says Bush, jr was responsible for 7,000 deaths, since he was told about the 9/11 attacks and his response was criminally incompetent. Obama has had to lead the US in the War on Terror, and has had almost no casualties, only a total of a few hundred dead.
What about Iraqis and Libyans and Syrians? Both the US left and right only count PEOPLE, not criminal savages. If Bush, sr or Clinton or Bush, jr or Obama found it necessary to kill a 2 year old, that 2 year old was a hardened terrorist who had it coming. If Obama found it necessary to bomb a hospital, that hospital had been taken over and was no longer a hospital but a hiding place for the Taliban.
The New York Times Magazine has asked questions about Obama, and was met with a furious response from readers. The rest of the New York Times was 100% behind Bush, jr until he left office. Now they found he made some horrible mistakes, which Obama is doing the best job of fixing possible. After Obama is gone, the New York Times probably won't find that he made any mistakes, since that would be racist. Nor will Hillary make any mistakes when she's president, and might be spared any criticism after she leaves office, since that would be sexist.
Hersh produced massive evidence that Obama lied about the murder of Osama and about the death of the Libyan ambassador and about the Syrian government deploying poison gas. The entire US/UK press says Hersh is a racist, sexist conspiracy theorist nutjob. Only Ted Rall seems to accept the Hersh analysis at all.
It's depressing.
I tried reading the Indian press, but they often write so no one who isn't Indian can understand. At least I can follow the British. The old Guardian was excellent, until the UK government shut it down and replaced it with a neo-liberal version.
Neo-liberal is the Left. That means, the rich and powerful get everything from everywhere in the world, and the rest of us get what is LEFT.
As opposed to the neo-cons who are on the Right. That means the rich and powerful have the RIGHT to everything everywhere in the world.
And I can't see any way to address the problem. I can't post on gocomics, and you can't get your letters into the Indian newspapers. Those who don't accept either the neo-liberal or neo-con lines are kept as invisible as TPTB can make them.
I had only just got a computer myself around that time and was still learning how to use it. The twin tower thing happened during the southern hemisphere night, and not listening to the radio, I had no idea it had happened. I dropped my boys at school, then went home to work on an assignment. It was only when I picked up the boys that I heard about it from the other parents. One said, bugger, now America will start another war. I went home and turned on the TV, one channel was showing American coverage, another BBC. I saw planes fly into the twin towers over and over. Then on the American coverage the two presenters said, well we gotta talk about it, how will this affect Wall St? Later Bush is on the telly trying to look presidential with that line, if you aren't for us, you are against us. I was totally sickened by the whole thing. This was the day that it suddenly hit me how irresponsible I had been, to bring 5 children into this crappy warmongering world. This was the day that my rose coloured glasses fell from my eyes.
ReplyDeleteBeing born in the US of A and having been a Marine with service in the imperial war in Vietnam, I am ashamed of the crap the country of my birth has done and continues to do to other nations and peoples. The US, as it is and has been for longer than my own life time IS a criminal enterprise.
ReplyDeleteOne thing that I saw recently is a sign being displayed at some US political event, not sure what candidate it was for, but the sign was honest. The sing reads; the system is not broken. It was designed this way.
'Merikkka, what a country.
In my long comment, I complained that most Americans believe the lies their government tells them. Lies reiterated by almost all of the UK press as well as the US press.
ReplyDeleteI did not thank you for your history of the Indian media, which I find too difficult to read. India seldom makes the Western news. I was taught all about India, how it is a Hindu country, and the Hindu is a strict pacifist, so they all live in peace and the West should emulate them. Good story. Like Obama's press releases, written by a gifted novelist.
Your history of India's official response to the War on Terror was VERY interesting.