A couple of years ago, I wrote a version of the old “You have two cows” joke in which I said this about
British imperialism:
“You have
two cows. The British come and kill both. They then force you to grow fodder on
your fields instead of food for yourself, and to turn over all this fodder to
them. They take the fodder home, feed it to their cows, and sell you the milk at gunpoint. If you refuse to buy
it, they hang you.”
This wasn’t,
actually, a joke. The whole British colonial project was built on one premise, and one only – loot and exploitation – and every
single thing the British did was to maximise that loot and exploitation. The
entire “grandeur” and “glory” of the British Empire, the riches on which the
modern British state rests, came totally, completely, one hundred per cent,
from this loot and exploitation.
How they did it
differed according to the circumstances. In countries like Kenya and Zimbabwe,
which at the time were tribal pastoral societies with no industrial output,
they forcibly took land from the natives – much more land than they could
themselves use – and turned those lands into immense settler farms where the
same people who would normally have owned the land were turned into nearly
destitute labourers. This policy had a name – alienation – and the labourers were tied to the
farm they worked on by documents (called kipande
in KiSwahili) which served as dual purpose identity cards and passes. If the
labourer wanted to visit someone outside the farm, even if it was to visit a
friend in the village, he needed his employer’s signature on the kipande. If he was caught off the farm
without a kipande, it was prison for
him.[Source] This policy continued right to the end of the British colonial rule in
Africa – 1960s to 1970s – and is the major reason Zimbabwe evicted the white
farm owners off their holdings. But you’ll never hear of it in the British
media, even though some of the people responsible are still alive to this day.
Nor will you get
an honest depiction of the British colonial enterprise in India, which they
called the “Raj”, or “the jewel in the British crown”. I will get back to this “jewel”
in a while. British mythology about how they came to acquire their Indian
Empire, as repeated by “historians” like Dominique Lapierre and Larry Collins
in their pulp fiction book Freedom At
Midnight, and repeated by modern British imperialist apologists like Niall
Ferguson, goes roughly like this:
“Historians are
amazed at how the British inadvertently came to acquire their Indian empire. The
British came as traders, and negotiated with local rulers for trading posts
which they then had to protect by fortifying and arming them. In order to secure
their rights to free trade, they were then, reluctantly, compelled to intervene
in the squabbles of these rulers, ending up by annexing their territories
simply to provide good government since the alternative would be chaos. This,
in turn, brought them into contact with other rulers in whose squabbles they
were again forced to intervene in self-defence. Before they knew it, they found
themselves in control of a huge territory, which they ruled as fairly and
effectively as possible. Yes, there were a few mistakes here and there, but
they did much more good than harm. Without them, India would never have got
roads, railways, telegraphs, law and order, modern medicine, and the English
language. British imperialism has nothing to regret and nothing to apologise
Bull dung.
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They could start off with apologising for that horrible flag. |
Building the Empire:
The British
colonial project was never, at any point, “inadvertent” – from the beginning it
was an aggressive imperialist expansion. The British first did come as traders,
in the 17th Century; but at the time India had a fairly strong
central government in the shape of the Mughal Empire,
with large military forces and economic strength of its own. All that the
British managed to secure at the time was trade arrangements – just like the
Portuguese, French, Dutch and Danes also did around the same period. But by the
1720s the Mughal Empire, in the space of only two decades, imploded, central
power disappeared, and the fringes of the erstwhile empire fragmented among
local sultans, nawabs and princes.
At this time the British, in the form of a
private firm called the East India Company, had a fortified trading post in
Calcutta, with its own army. The local ruler was one Nawab Siraj ud Dawlah. The
British seized on an alleged atrocity called the Black Hole of Calcutta, which
most likely never happened, and in 1757 declared war on Siraj ud Dawlah. They
then bribed one of Siraj’s generals, Mir Jafar, to stay out of the battle,
thereby defeating the Nawab more easily than they might have otherwise, and
seized his kingdom. Mir Jafar was rewarded with the position of vassal ruler
but was shunted aside after a while. To this day in India “Mir Jafar” is a
synonym for “traitor”, like “Quisling” is in Europe or “Benedict Arnold” in the
Imperialist States of Amerikastan.
From the moment of winning the Battle of
Plassey against Siraj ud Dawlah in 1757, the British looting began. The East
India Company’s top man was Robert Clive, to this day “celebrated” in British
imperial history as Clive of Calcutta. He was such a shameless looter that even
his contemporaries protested at his greed. His reply? “Gentlemen, I am amazed
at my own moderation”. His successors were in no wise better, and by the 1800s
they had given up even the pretence that their aim was anything but the annexation
of India territories. One of the most notorious of the East India Company’s
Governor Generals, Lord Dalhousie, formalised this as the Doctrine of Lapse, in
which any Indian principality whose ruler had no recognised (by the British)
heir would “lapse”, that is, be annexed, by the East India Company on the ruler’s
death. It was one of the factors that fed the great anti-British rebellion of
1857, these days called the First War of Indian Independence.
So much for the notion that the Brits “inadvertently”
acquired their Indian Empire. There was nothing the least bit inadvertent about
How did the British take over the Indian
subcontinent anyway? There are many reasons, but none of them rests on British “technological
superiority”. In fact in the 1700s, the Indian subcontinent was mostly at least
the equal of Britain technologically and economically. Even in armaments, the Indian
armies were fairly modern. Indian kings for a long time had been employing
European, especially French, officers, and buying their weapons. By the 1820s,
the Sikh Empire, for instance, had an army which was indistinguishable from the
average European military of the period, even to red uniforms with white
facings, shakoes and drill regimens. But that did not save it.
One of the regular things the British did
was pick sides in battles they otherwise would have no stake in, battles which
but for them would never have been fought. As I said, the Indian subcontinent –
after the collapse of the Mughal Empire – disintegrated into multiple small
kingdoms. There were also two up and coming Empires, the Marathas and the
Sikhs. But the Sikhs were at the time far away on the other side of the
subcontinent from the British, and the Maratha power was decisively smashed by
an Afghan invasion in 1761. So these two were not a factor. But the rest of the
new kingdoms often had their own animosities and quarrels, and when the British
offered to intervene on one side or the other they eagerly seized on the offer.
The British forces were usually sufficient to tip the balance, and then the
side which had accepted the East India Company’s help suddenly found that it
had tied itself to the British power and could not get away. If it tried, it
would swiftly be invaded and crushed in its turn. [This reached its logical culmination
when the titular and powerless Mughal Emperor, Bahadur Shah II, who was
formally the feudal lord of the East India Company, and which was sworn to
protect him with its army, was overthrown and imprisoned by it after the
rebellion of 1857.]
This policy, too, had a name, just like
alienation. It was called Divide and Rule.
Divide and Rule didn’t only involve kings
and princes, it also went to the point of breaking relations between Indian
Muslims and Hindus. Islam had first come to India along with Arab traders, and
later with a series of invasions by Afghan kings in the 11th and 12th
Centuries. But the Afghans had settled down in India, their Islam had over time
merged in many ways with Hinduism to produce the Sufi form of the Muslim faith,
and had become Indians in India, not foreigners ruling over the subcontinent. Though
religious violence by Muslim kings against Hindus continued during the Afghan
rule over Delhi and subsequently during parts of the Mughal Empire which
succeeded it, rioting between the civilian communities only began after the
British takeover, and continued with increasing ferocity as long as they stayed
in India.
This, by the way, is one of the excuses British apologists have for their empire: they, allegedly "saved India from the cruelty of the Muslim rulers." Um, no, they didn't; by the time they arrived in force the Muslim rule had already crumbled away. The Mughal Empire was a fiction, the (Hindu) Marathas and the Sikhs were the two major subcontinental powers, Hindu Rajput and Jat kingdoms ruled across most of what was left, and the only two significant Muslim states left were Hyderabad and Awadh. Of these the Hyderabad state was left under titular Muslim rule until independence in 1947.
This, by the way, is one of the excuses British apologists have for their empire: they, allegedly "saved India from the cruelty of the Muslim rulers." Um, no, they didn't; by the time they arrived in force the Muslim rule had already crumbled away. The Mughal Empire was a fiction, the (Hindu) Marathas and the Sikhs were the two major subcontinental powers, Hindu Rajput and Jat kingdoms ruled across most of what was left, and the only two significant Muslim states left were Hyderabad and Awadh. Of these the Hyderabad state was left under titular Muslim rule until independence in 1947.
Then, like all colonial projects in history,
the British relied on a comprador class of collaborators. In this it was helped
greatly by the fact that Indians have historically been all too eager to bow
before foreign invaders and join with them for short term advantage. If it was
not for these collaborators, if Indians had resisted as aggressively as, say,
the Afghans against foreign invasions, no imperial conqueror, from Alexander of
Macedon to the British themselves, would ever have been able to capture this
subcontinent. This comprador class was again quite deliberately set up,
recruited from compliant and non-violent people (mostly the Bengalis and the
Tamils) the British had ruled over longest, and used as administrators, clerks
and bureaucrats to enforce the British diktat. Of course, the comprador class
swiftly came to see its own interests as identical to the British, because its
comfort and riches depended on the perpetuation of British power. And in order
to have a link language to this comprador class, the British introduced
English, which was taught only to them. At no stage did the British make any
serious effort to introduce English among the village and urban poor, something
which is only now, in the 21st Century, slowly beginning to happen,
and that against a lot of opposition.
So, by a combination of deceit, temporary
alliances of convenience, sowing of enmity between peoples, and creating a
class of Vichy enforcers, the British took over the subcontinent and continued
and deepened their policy of loot. One thing they did was to destroy
the subcontinent’s industrial base. Let’s get this said right away – Indians of
the period weren’t savages living in caves or the equivalent. The subcontinent
had thousands of years of history, a high level of production of goods and
services, and trade relations with countries stretching from the Roman Empire
to what are now China and Indonesia. But one of the first things the British did
was to destroy all that.
In this the East India Company was guided
by the pure logic of profit. By
destroying the native industry, they made the entire and growing colonial
empire a huge captive market with nowhere else to turn for the manufactured
goods it needed. Having a total monopoly, the Company (as it was known) could
charge as it wished, and thus suck out the riches that it could not loot
directly. [A somewhat similar technique was to be used a hundred years later by
the Nazis – who intensely admired the British colonial empire – in the Warsaw
and Krakow Ghettoes. Jews who were evicted from their homes in Germany or the
Netherlands often managed to smuggle gold and other valuables with them into
the ghettoes, and the Nazis knew that. By forbidding any kind of food
production in the ghettoes, and controlling all import of food, the Nazis managed
to get hold of almost all the gold the Jews still had. Only when they were out
of valuables and had nothing to offer were the ghettoes finally destroyed and
their inhabitants sent to the camps.]
There was also the British crackdown on
Indian food production. Instead of growing food for themselves, Indian farmers
were compelled to produce raw materials for the British factories – cotton for
the mills of Manchester, indigo for their dye works (the indigo farms
especially were run with extreme cruelty by British overseers) and opium. This
opium, which was grown at gunpoint, was then shipped to China where the
decaying Manchu empire was compelled to buy it, again at gunpoint.
And this was quite apart from taxes, on
everything from the goods the British sold to the resources they could not
loot. They even taxed salt, which led to a rather famous act of civil
disobedience by Mohandas Gandhi. There was no avenue of making money they left
Oh, colonialism was extremely profitable
for the British!
Some time ago I saw photographs someone I
know had sent of her time in England, wandering around stately castles and majestic
architecture. I could not enjoy those photos at all. Every single bit of it,
every moulding, every statue, every fancy staircase, was built on the loot extracted
from the blood of the colonised of the empire.
In order to get an idea of the catastrophic
effect the British exploitation of Indian agriculture had, one needs to just
look at the history of Indian famines. Before the advent of the British, the
Indian subcontinent had no mass famines. After the British left, though the
territory of modern India has shrunk by a quarter and the population grown by
over 400%, there has not been a single mass famine. But during the “benevolent”
years of the British rule, there was one famine about every forty years. The
last of this was the quite deliberately induced Bengal Famine of 1943, which
killed between 3.5 to 4 million Indians, and which Churchill refused to allow
food shipments to alleviate.
Yes, that’s right. Between 1938 and 45,
Hitler allegedly killed 6 million
Jews (the figure is almost certainly fictional; the actual number was more
likely about 4 million), and for that, among other things, he’s quite rightly considered a villain. But in
the course of a single year alone,
Churchill verifiably starved a minimum of 3.5 million
Indians to death (that being only one of his many war crimes). And yet
Churchill is a British hero.
To get back to the topic.
It was only in the early 1900s that the
British, by now the British Empire (the East India Company had been replaced by
the British Empire after the revolt of 1857, and aggressive annexation
abandoned in favour of establishing protectorates), finally permitted an Indian
industrial base to start growing. A general European war was obviously
approaching, and Britain needed cloth, among other things. So – still over the
strident objections of British manufacturers – textile mills were finally
allowed to be set up...in the huge port of Bombay, from where the products could be shipped off
to Europe at minimum cost. Again, the logic of British profit was paramount.
The British looted not just Indian
resources and treasures, but Indian manpower.
The British colonial wars, as soon as they had captured enough of India to
begin recruiting troops, depended on Indian soldiers. Indian soldiers (“sepoys”)
helped Britain invade Afghanistan, put down the Boxer rebellion, occupy Burma
(now Myanmar), fight both World Wars, all conflicts in which India had no stake
whatsoever. They also conscripted Indian labourers (“coolies”), who were sent
all over the British colonial empire from the Caribbean to East and Southern
Africa to Mauritius to Malaya to Fiji, to work in British plantations, build
British railways, hew wood and draw water for the British. That is why those
parts of the world till today have large ethnic Indian populations, in some
places (Guyana and Mauritius come to mind) even majorities – they’re the
descendants of those slave labourers.
The British Empire was built with the blood
of Indian sepoys and the muscles of Indian coolies.
Just now I mentioned the word “railway”. One
of the repeated claims of modern British apologists of colonialism is that if
not for the white rulers, India would have had no trains or telegraphs, roads
or modern medicine. This is of course demonstrably rubbish – in the 1700s,
India was the owner of two thousand years of medical endeavour, some of which
is still in (perfectly respectable) use today. In the 1550s, the Afghan ruler
Sher Shah Suri had built the Grand Trunk Road, which connected the northwest
part of the Indian subcontinent to the southeast – a superhighway of the era,
which still exists, in modernised form, today.
And as for railways and telegraph, there
are two important points to be made:
First, the British didn’t build them out of
altruism. Far from it. Communications, both telegraphic and physical, were
essential to managing the empire, to move the extorted raw materials to the
harbours, the manufactured goods from the mills of Manchester to their captive
markets, and to send troops to intimidate and smash any hint of rebellion.
Without communications, the British Empire could never have turned a profit,
and therefore railways were merely an investment...one which they recouped many
times over.
Secondly, it’s not as though nations never
colonised by the British or any other western power never got telegraphs, roads
and railways. In fact, every single damn
one of them acquired them, often with spectacular speed, without ever
having been colonised. Japan, for example, was a medieval relic in 1858. Forty
years later, it had railways, telegraph, electric lights, steam ships, even
race courses and a stock market. Ten years after that, it had its own little colonial empire in Korea. If India hadn’t
been colonised, it would have got railways and the telegraph – simply by, you
know, hiring Western companies to
build them, and paying them the market rate.
Instead, we paid with everything, starting
with our freedom.
I said that India was called the Jewel in
the British crown. This got rather literal when it came to the Kohinoor
(Mountain of Light). It’s a diamond, at one time the largest the world had ever
seen. Originally the property of an Indian dynasty, it ended up in the
possession of the Mughals. From there, the Persian king Nadir Shah took it with
him when he sacked Delhi in 1740; this was the last occasion on which Persia or
Iran waged aggressive war on anybody. After Nadir Shah died, his Afghan general
Ahmad Shah Abdali – the same man who would later smash the Maratha Empire –
captured his entire treasure, including this diamond. Abdali’s descendant Shah
Shuja – of whom I have written here – gave it, very unwillingly, to
Sikh Emperor Ranjeet Singh in return for asylum, whereupon it returned to
India. When the British – under the same Lord Dalhousie I mentioned – turned on
their former Sikh allies, one of their series of betrayals, and captured the
Sikh capital of Lahore, they took the diamond as part of the “spoils of war”
and compelled Ranjeet Singh’s son to personally hand it over to Victoria, then
queen of England. Victoria had the stone cut down to a tiny fraction of its
size (approximately one-seventh) and it now occupies a place on the crown which
her successor, Elizabeth Windsor, wears.
Under any law which claims to be based on
fairness, Britain has to repatriate the Kohinoor.
This is not negotiable. If there is
any one symbol of the rapacity and destructiveness of British colonial rule, it’s
how they treated the diamond, first looting it, and then almost destroying it. They
have no right to cling on to it any further, and I would strongly support any
action that would coerce the owners of the legacy of the East India Company to
return what’s left of the stone. Anything at all.
case for reparations:
Recently, a politician called Shashi
Tharoor, whom I personally detest, made an impassioned speech calling for the
British to pay reparations for their colonial rule over India. Prime Minister
Narendrabhai Modi – whom, as any reader of these pages is aware, I do not
exactly love – strongly supported that demand. Though I despise not just these
two gentlemen but their respective political parties as well, I am totally with
them on this. Quite apart from returning the Kohinoor, Britain needs to pay
When a crime is committed, and the criminal
gets rich on the proceeds, justice demands that the victim is compensated for
the loss suffered. To this day, India is still suffering from the effects of
the British colonial period. In fact, just about every single thing that goes
into making up India today is a product of British colonialism, starting with
the English in which I’m writing this article, instead of Persian as I probably
would have if the Brits had never turned up.
The industry the British destroyed, the
exploitation they visited on this country, the famines that devastated the
land, the wildlife they eradicated in the name of sports hunting, the religious
divides they sowed so as to make their rule easier, which ultimately ended in
the splitting of the nation into two, and then three, hostile parts – all this
can directly be traced to British colonial rule. We can’t undo their crimes,
but we can at least compel them to acknowledge they were crimes and make adequate reimbursement.
There is absolutely no way Britain, which
to this day uses the proceeds of its loot from its former empire, can disclaim
responsibility. It maintains its obscene palaces and its so called royal family
from them, it uses them to finance its parasitic House of Lords and its
military, complete with nuclear arsenal. It uses them to claim that it provides
a higher standard of living than the nations it has looted and reduced to the
dust, and hence is “superior” to them. None of this is forgivable.
I agree that the current common Brit
shouldn’t be blamed for the sins of his forefathers. Don’t target him. Target
those who are responsible. Seize the assets of the royal family and what’s left
of the nobility. Abolish the British military and use its money to pay for
reparations. Strip the companies of the City of London, empty their bank
accounts, and you should be able to come up with enough to reimburse the
colonised nations at least a small fraction of the riches the Brits looted over
the centuries.
Should India also ask for reparations from
other colonial regimes, like the Portuguese, French and Danes? I should say,
yes, but they occupied relatively tiny parts of the subcontinent, which they
did not ravage with the same relentless cupidity of the British – and the
Portuguese, for one, upgraded their colony to the status of an overseas
territory, thus granting their colonial subjects citizenship. The British would
not even begin to consider doing that.
There is another very important aspect to
it. Britain’s Empire may, except for dots like the Islas Malvinas and
Gibraltar, be as dead as the dodo; but British imperialism is alive and well.
It’s no longer capable, of course, of conquering anything on its own, but
Britain is now a colony of its former colony, the Imperialist States of
Amerikastan, and jumps to join in any aggression committed by its imperial
master. In this the support for imperialism coming from “historians” of the tribe
of Niall Ferguson and politicians like Tony Blair (who, on first assuming
office, immediately called for “enlightened double standards” in dealings with us
lesser nations) is crucial. If you think your ancestors’ crimes have nothing to
do with you, and then your academics and politicians tell you that they weren’t
crimes after all, and in fact you ought to be proud of them, you’ll be ready to cheer on more of the same.
is why reparations are vital. Once you make
restitution, you are admitting that a crime has been committed. You are, to the
best of your ability, attempting to right the wrong that has been done. And you
are, permanently, sealing off the route to committing the same crime again,
unless you admit in advance that you know it’s a crime and you’re going to
commit it anyway.
Do I think Britain will actually ever make
restitution for all of this? No.
But then they never called it Perfidious
Albion for nothing.
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I went to some trouble to find a British colonial photo that would not fill me with anger. I hope you appreciate that :/ |
You have two cows. They provide nourishing milk and cheese. Then a millionaire slaughters them to make steak and cowboy boots. 'Murica.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, though, thanks for the history lesson. I find India fascinating and know far less about it than I should. As much as you rag on America, remember that my forefathers didn't like being a British colony any more than yours did. (OK, my forefathers didn't make it to America until way after the Revolution, but that's another story.)
I'm in a group called British Politics on Facebook that has been discussing the possibility of reparations to India. I must admit I haven't followed the debate too closely but I'll post this article and see what reaction it gets.
ReplyDeleteAnother entry of yours which is excellent and which compels me to get my thoughts together to make a cogent comment.
ReplyDeleteThank you for this history lesson. I have known about the British caused famine in 1943 and how Churchill(shit hill) did nothing to alleviate it and probably made it worse. I sent you a link to an article from 2011 about it before I finished this one by you. Sorry if it is over load.
One small off topic comment. I think old Benny Arnold did have a cause to go over to the other side. he was the best general the Continentals had and he was passed over for promotion one time too many for his ego to take. Egos can be rather fragile in some humans. I try and keep mine locked up and under armed guard 24/7. Of course it still gets out now and then, hey I never claimed to be perfect. Hell, I don't even claim to be "good" whatever that means. I suppose it means I'm not evil, or not totally evil.
Yes, the royals should sell off ALL their holdings and repay those peoples they oppressed. Well, maybe not Liz herself, but her damn family sure did.
My ancestors didn't leave Germany until after 1860 to come to the US.
One thing that still pisses me off about the Brits and to some extent many 'Merikkkans is the vile word nigger. Oh dear, that is a word I am not supposed to say or even type now days. Well, it IS a word and was used by the Brits in particular to describe anybody who had a better tan than they did. Well, that leaves a whole hell of a lot of niggers then as most Brits look like they have never been in the sunshine ever. Pasty white, nearly the color of freshly washed and bleached white linen. Or am I being a reverse racist now? Ah well, if so, tough beans and hard cheese. It is my opinion. I do know that many Brits did call Indians, India Indians, niggers and Arabs were sand niggers. Partly from reading history and from a few TV programs, such as "The Jewel In the Crown" which was on PBS TV in the US back in the 90's I think it was. The Brits who ran the occupied countries tended to be very racist. Again, my view.
Dad taught me to accept each person as they are, not by skin color, but by their character. I never got to ask him how/where he learned that. He grew up in dairy country in southern Wisconsin and as a kid there,we only saw black people when we went to Milwaukee or Chicago. Not many black folks around Wisconsin dairy farms in the mid 1950's. No work for them. Same goes for Hispanics on the dairy farms as they were almost exclusively family farms then. Those dairy farmers could not afford hired help and barely made enough to support their own families more often than not.
I find the word nigger to be one of the most repulsive words in any language. I also think that owning another human being is absurd and vile. Ha, this from an old wage slave/machinist. Well, at least I entered into that eyes wide open.
Thanks again for this Bill. Good luck even getting the Brits to own up o the crimes they and their forefathers did to your country and others around this planet. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for even the mildest apology.
Sorry for rambling on so damn long. Hey, I told you before, I talk too much, in person as well as online.
I completely agree with you about the making of reparations. Making reparation, going through that process, requires the subject to be discussed, made open, validates the wrongs that were done. Reparation to India would also have to include Pakistan and Bangladesh, Kashmir? It is going to be an expensive business.
ReplyDeleteHave the British ever actually made reparations to any country they colonised thus far?
Maori call this utu. Redressing the balance.
British/English colonised this country. They saw it as "empty/unused which completely invisibilised the tangatawhenua. Maori have been able to use The Treaty of Waitangi to good affect but even with that, the payouts are only a fraction of what was taken. And it comes from the NZ government as representative of 'The Crown'. Not from British coffers. Of course the situation is not quite the same, we Pakeha are descendants of the settlers and we are still here. Still occupying the whenua, still not sharing sovereignty with Maori, still insisting our way is the 'civilised' way.
Good luck India et al getting your gold and diamonds back from the British coffers. I would truly like to see that.
It would also be good to see you all dump those boundaries the Brits set up and become one again.
Query: Why 4million Jewish people killed by Hitler and his Nazis rather than the estimated 6million?