Note: I realise I’ve already said all this on Raghead, which nowadays serves the purpose of both satire and
political comment, but it went over like a lead balloon with readers.
Apparently one has to say things out loud and clear.
So let me make three points on Ukraine.
1 1. There are Nazis in Ukraine.
To anyone with half a brain, this is more
than obvious. The entire western Ukraine, based around Lvov, which was Polish
territory between the wars is a Nazi hotbed. Western media – such as Britain’s
Channel 4 – even admitted during the (bought and paid for) Euromaidan “protests”
that the “protestors” included open Nazis. However, afterwards, they suddenly
fell silent on that point and till today have stayed stubbornly silent.
Are there Nazis in Ukraine?
They act like Nazis, openly identify with Nazis,
use Nazi symbols and slogans, and venerate people who actually fought in SS
divisions created by the Nazis. I mean, they do all that, but still according
to the official Western mythology they are not Nazis.
Here are some of these non-Nazis:
Now, these Nazis/non-Nazis are not just in
the streets – they are also in the illegitimate putschist “government” of
Ukraine, holding on to key positions. Among these are(check the link below for the positions they hold):
Parubiy (Андрій Парубій), Dmytro Yarosh (Дмитро Ярош), Oleksandr
Sych (Александр Сыч), Ihor Shvaika (Игорь Швайка), Dmytro
Boulatov (Дмитрий Булатов), Oleh Makhnitsky (Олег Махницкий) and Tetiana
Tchornovol (Татьяна Черновол) [Source]
The existence of these Nazis is something the
West would love to deny, just as it kept denying the existence of jihadists in
Syria, and for the same reason: the jihadists, and the Nazis, are the allies of
the moment.
But their actions underline the fact that
they are well aware of the existence of the Nazis; for instance, they advised
the Nazis to tone down their Nazism and lay off the swastikas and slogans.
Not too surprisingly, the Nazis ignored it.
2. The putschist “government” of Ukraine and its EU controllers hate
and fear the Nazis.
This seems to be a strange thing to say,
seeing that key posts in the “government” are occupied by the Nazis, and the openly
Nazi Pravii Sektor are the storm troops of the selfsame “government” in Eastern
Ukraine since the army is neither willing nor capable of handling the job of
fighting the separatist militias. But the facts are clear.
The Nazis, like all Nazis, are not
just racists but, very significantly, ultra-nationalists. As such, they
will never, ever, accept domination by the European Union, the American Empire,
and its assorted hangers-on like Canada and Australia. The purpose of the
putsch in Kiev, we should remember, was twofold – for the EU to control the
Ukrainian economy, and for the Americans to control Ukraine as a military base.
The Nazis would, of course, accept neither.
For the EUthanasia Project for Ukraine, the Nazis are just as much an obstacle as the Russians, and the EU and their oligarchs (known as the EUgarchy for convenience from this point on in this article) know it well.
For the EUthanasia Project for Ukraine, the Nazis are just as much an obstacle as the Russians, and the EU and their oligarchs (known as the EUgarchy for convenience from this point on in this article) know it well.
The Nazis didn’t even make any attempt to
hide the fact that the alliance was merely a marriage of convenience:
“The participation of Ukrainian
nationalism and Svoboda in the process of EU [European Union] integration,”
admits Svoboda political council member Yury Noyevy,
“is a means to break our ties with Russia.” [Source]
The Nazi-EU-US alliance of convenience at
the time of Euromaidan fell apart almost immediately afterwards, when the
Pravii Sektor’s Number Two, war criminal Oleksandr Muzychko, was shot by the “government’s” police, allegedly while “resisting arrest”. In other words, the putschists were
already beginning to fight among themselves over the spoils.
If the uprising in Eastern Ukraine – led by
ethnic Russians who are, justifiably, alarmed at the prospect of being ruled by
either Nazis or EUgarchs with their “austerity
measures”, or a combination of both – had not happened, by now, Western Ukraine
would have been openly in civil war against itself; the rudiments of the state
versus the Nazis. Instead, the Pravii Sektor and other Nazi organisations were
diverted into the so-called National Guard, and sent off to fight the hated
ethnic Russians ("Moskals") in Eastern Ukraine. If and when the Eastern Ukraine
crisis ends, in whatever form, the Nazis and the EUgarchy will immediately be
at each other’s throats again.
In fact, as far as the EUgarchs are
concerned, the war in Eastern Ukraine, no
matter how badly it goes, is a godsend.
- It keeps the Nazis busy.
- It keeps the population in west and central
Ukraine docile, with the “threat” of an external enemy (Russia) serving to keep
them from questioning the actions of their masters.
- It keeps
their American and EU paymasters sending more billions in “aid”, which can be
siphoned off without questions being asked and
- By creating an “us-versus-them” mindset, it
improves their chances of polarising votes to win future elections in a rump
But the war can’t go on forever, and there’s
no denying that the Nazis aren’t doing too well against the motivated Eastern
Ukrainian “separatists” (who should really be called “federalists”, since they
started off demanding autonomy in a federal Ukraine with rights to decide their
own economic future, not independence). The resistance is shooting Nazi planes out of the sky like clay pigeons with captured MANPADS, the Nazi assaults against
the cities aren’t exactly going to schedule, and there will be a point reached
when they will realise what’s happening, turn round in their tracks, and march
back on Kiev. That point is dangerously close. In fact, it's already beginning.
Only one thing can stop that from
happening: Russia.
Which brings us to our third point:
3. The EUgarchs and the Empire are desperately attempting to provoke a
Russian invasion of Ukraine.
This is again something that would seem, on
the surface, totally counter-intuitive, but it’s obvious when one thinks about
it. As I said, the EUgarchs hate and fear the Nazis, and know that they can’t
control them. If and when a showdown comes, the Nazis are at least as powerful
as the rump Ukrainian state. This same rump Ukraine also knows something very
well: it can’t, ever, control the majority Russian areas of the country for any
time at all. The ethnic Russians will never, ever, accept Ukrainian and EU
domination. It will be a permanent drain of effort and resources to keep them
under control, and even if the EUgarchs manage to occupy it, a low level
guerrilla campaign lasting years is the least to be expected.
Then there is the fact that in the
post-Soviet era, Eastern Ukraine has mostly turned into a rust belt. The
factories are obsolete, the coal mines are worked out, the population largely
poverty-stricken. To make the area profitable for exploitation – meaning to
make money for the oligarchs – will take an enormous amount of funds and
effort, quite apart from the resistance of the locals.
![]() |
Resistance fighters - anti-Nazis and anti-Empire |
Seen in that light, what good would a
Russian invasion do for the EUgarchy?
- It would start by wiping out the Nazis.
They could never put up any effective fight against the Russian army, and would
be faced with a choice. They could either be killed and/or surrender, or they
could withdraw in defeat to Western Ukraine. The first choice would destroy
them. The second choice would destroy their credibility beyond recovery. “Patriotic
ultra-nationalists” who turn tail and run don’t retain any cred. Either way,
the Nazis would be as good as finished, and leave the field open for the
EUgarchs. Yes, I am saying that the Nazis are being set up by the EUgarchs, and
if they’re too stupid to see that yet, that’s not too surprising. After all, they’re Nazis.
- It would also take the problems of the rust
belt off the EUgarchs’ hands. All the problems, henceforth, from the worked out
mines to the corroding factories, the aging population and the crumbling
infrastructure, would be Russia’s responsibility. It would be an economic
burden nobody wants.
- It would make the EUgarchy’s hold over
West-Central Ukraine a permanent one. They could push themselves as the only
bulwark against a total Russian takeover of the country, and “do all that was
necessary” to protect what was left of the country. Any and all opposition (which would mount as
the rump economy collapses completely under the weight of EU "austerity
measures”) could be crushed as traitors to the nation. As we in India well
know, a running sore of a territorial dispute works wonders to divert people
from the problems of daily life.
- It would make NATO almost incredibly happy.
Even if the EUgarch rump didn’t immediately join NATO (it probably would), the
rest of the US’ puppets in Central and Eastern Europe would line up either to
join or to reaffirm their membership. As we all know, NATO has long since
passed its sell-by date, and after the defeat in Afghanistan, its appeal is
beginning to wear a bit thin. NATO needs a new Cold War. It needs a new Cold
War very badly indeed, and has been attempting desperately to ignite one since
at least circa 2008 when Georgia started, and lost, a war with Russia.
Yes, the EUgarchs would love nothing more
than a Russian invasion, and are trying to provoke one by all means. So far
these have included shelling cities, burning unarmed protestors alive in
Odessa, lies about Russian intervention, and finally, when all else failed, an attack on the Russian embassy in
So far Putin has not taken the bait, and I
am convinced that he will not take the bait. He has a far better option: to do exactly
nothing. And that is what he’s been doing so far to help the uprising in
Eastern Ukraine – nothing. Despite all the media rage in Russia, he has kept his head, and will keep it. At most he will keep the pressure up on the EUgarchy, by perhaps quietly supplying missiles to the resistance (just as Obama is now doing openly to the jihadists in Syria while pretending to fight them in Iraq), and economic measures, like asking them to pay for the gas they're buying. All's fair in love and proxy war.
Militarily, the Nazis can’t keep fighting
much longer without, as I said, realising that they’re being set up. When that
moment comes, and they recoil on the EUgarchs, the rump Kiev regime, already
tottering on the verge of bankruptcy, will collapse in infighting and disorder.
Whatever rises from the ruins will have to compromise with Russia, and be at
least neutralist. The EU/US managed coup’s failure will be obvious to everyone,
and provide a signal lesson to other potential targets of Western-imposed
regime change.
If in the meantime, the resistance manages to carve out a South Abkhazia or Transdniestria-style independent entity in Novorussia and/or Donbass, that's fine too from Putin's point of view. He can supply aid without taking responsibility for the problems.
Meanwhile, Russia is now busy
converting Crimea’s infrastructure and economy back to Russian standards. It
will be a while before the investment begins providing returns – and during
that time the last thing that Putin needs is to be saddled with Eastern Ukraine
as well.
So, no, despite all the American propaganda
and lies, and all the increasingly desperate provocation by the EUgarchy,
Russia is not going to invade.
It was a great plan on paper, really: Putin
invades, takes the rust belt and its assorted problems, destroys the Nazis,
energises NATO, does the EUgarchy’s dirty work for it, and, best of all, ends
up with all the blame. But it’s not going to happen.
Very interesting perspective, Bill, and very convincing. The EUgarchy apparently has a tiger by the tail it can't control and which may turn on them at any time. Kind of like what is happening with Obama's ISIL allies in Iraq. It was okay as long as they were killing Syrians but now, all bets are off as to what may happen.
ReplyDeletegood, two failed attempts by Great Satan ... keep up the resistance and they will run out of money sooner, then apathetic merikans can share the love when Ukraine option is put on them as US crashes and burns ... Viva Syria, Viva Russia
ReplyDeleteam posting this asap in wordpress ... have some ideas for storage with the blog i set up to design raghead theme but i just don't have time at present, obviously this does not need published :P
ReplyDeleteUkrainians are Nazis, okay. However, as well as Molotov with Ribbentrop, Putin at the end shook Poroshenko's hand...
ReplyDeleteAgitating for political issues seems sterile even in this case.