There was once a man named Abu Osama.
This would not be a significant thing,
except that his name wasn’t really
Abu Osama. I don’t know what his real name was, though I assume he must have
been issued one by his parents at some point after being born. But, after
becoming a terrorist, he abandoned it, so it probably doesn’t matter so much what it
was, anyway.
Terrorist, did I say? Why, yes. Abu Osama was a member of the Pakistani
jihadist terrorist group, the Lashkar e Toiba, and in accordance with the rules
of his outfit would have abandoned his birth name during training and taken on
a quniat, or nom de guerre. This quniat,
for Lashkar men, usually comprises two parts, Abu (literally “father of”) and
the name of one or the other “revered” Islamic warrior. In this case, unless I
am much mistaken, said Islamic warrior would’ve been the bin Laden himself.
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Some random South Asian Islamic terrorists, maybe even Lashkar. They don't exactly wear uniforms. |
Anyway, after finishing his training,
probably in one of the Lashkar training camps in the hills north-west of
Islamabad, the newly-minted Abu Osama was sent, like others of his ilk, across
the so-called Line of Control in Kashmir (the actual border between India and
Pakistan, though neither country is willing to admit it). By 2009 he was the
commander of his own lashkar
(sub-unit) operating in Jammu, just south of the Kashmir valley, and had made
himself notorious enough to have a price on his head. How much that price was
depends on which website you believe – the equivalent in Indian rupees of
between US$ 4000 to 6000, a considerable sum even at the exchange rate at the
Now, by 2009 the original insurgency in
Kashmir was long since over. It had been stamped out by the mid-to-late 1990s,
with all the insurgents who took up arms in 1988-89 either dead, captured, or
surrendered and turned into politicians. After that, the vast majority of
insurgents in Kashmir were foreigners: some Afghans, a few from further afield
(including Chechens and even the odd East African), but mostly Pakistani
Kashmiris – or Pakistanis like Abu Osama. The remaining Indian Kashmiri
insurgents were mostly restricted to one, and increasingly marginalised, group,
the Hizbul Mujahideen. Unlike the original insurgents of the Jammu and Kashmir
Liberation Front, the Hizb are Islamists, but not nearly hardline enough to
suit the likes of the Lashkar, who think the Indian Kashmiri version of Sunni
Islam tantamount to heresy and idolatry.
This isn’t the place to examine the reasons
for the decline and fall of the Kashmir insurgency, a fascinating topic which
I’ll talk about in future in case anyone’s interested. But two of the reasons
came together in the person of Abu Osama.
First was the fact of his being a foreigner, a Mehman Mujahid, or “guest freedom fighter”, as the foreign jihadis
were called by the Kashmiris when they first appeared in the early nineties.
The foreigners had neither the family ties and local support the native
insurgents had; nor did they have any sympathy for the Kashmiris, whom they
considered contemptible idolatrous mushriks
who needed to be taught True Islamic
Values and who were too weak and cowardly to fight for their own freedom
The second
reason actually predated the appearance of the Mehman Mujahideen. When the rebellion began in 1988-89, the
authority of the state vanished almost overnight. A huge number of criminals
joined the rebellion along with students, unemployed young men, and others.
These criminals, of course, used their newly acquired training and weapons for
less “honourable” pursuits than the insurgency. One of the things they did was
force their way into village homes and demand food and shelter. Soon enough,
this extended to forcing themselves on the women of the house, especially if
they were young and pretty. Even those who weren’t criminals, corrupted with
their new power, soon joined in. A former army officer I know personally, who
fought both against the LTTE in Sri Lanka and in Kashmir, told me of how the
terrorists would force the men of the house to act as lookouts while they spent
the night with their daughters and sisters.
Obviously, these things did not make for good
relations between the “freedom fighters” and the people for whose freedom they
were allegedly fighting. The Mehman
Mujahideen proved no less susceptible to the Kashmiri damsels, no matter
how much they detested their version of the Muslim faith, and were as prone to
forcing their way into their homes in the dead of night. Abu Osama was no
Now, in a little village about 30
kilometres from the Line of Control, there was a girl named Rukhsana Kausar. In
2009 she was 19 going on 20, and Abu Osama was taken by her charms. (Let’s take
time to point out that Indian Kashmiri women don’t wear the hijab and aren’t
veiled, so our Abu wasn’t exactly unable to see her face. Also, Rukhsana Kausar
is a Gujjar, not an ethnic Kashmiri, reinforcing a point I’ve often made, that
the ethnic complexities of Kashmir make it a far less simple issue than “Indian
versus Kashmiri”) In July 2009, some local goons had abducted her and her aunt,
though they had subsequently been released. As is usual in these cases in
India, the police had done nothing about her complaint.
Then Abu Osama decided that he’d like to
“marry” her, which didn’t exactly thrill her, because no sane woman, of course,
would actually want to go with a
psycho killer with a rapidly shortening expected lifespan. Apparently the fact
that she wasn’t enthusiastic made him somewhat unhappy, because he asked her to
“beware”. What he threatened her to beware of,
I have been unable to discover, but I can imagine,
can’t you?
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So could she. |
Then, on the night of 27th
September, 2009, Abu the not bin Laden decided that enough was enough, and he
was going to get his hands on this woman, come what may. Taking two, three, or
five of his men with him – depending on whom you believe – he went off to her
village, arriving there at about half past nine in the evening. Apparently he
wasn’t sure which her house was, because he went first to her uncle’s home. At
gunpoint, he then forced the uncle to take them to Rukhsana’s parents’ home,
which was next door. The commotion was enough to tip off Rukhsana’s parents,
Noor Hussain and Rashida Begum, who stuffed her and her eighteen-year-old
brother under the bed before the terrorists could break in.
And what happened when they broke in? Well,
brave Abu Osama came in with two of his men and began beating the hell out of
them with sticks, because apparently that passed for asking for their
daughter’s hand, and also because that’s what you do if you’re a tough armed
militant and you want to show some defenceless villagers who’s the boss. While
this was going on, Rukhsana Kausar and her brother, Aijaz, were under the bed,
They didn’t watch too long. There comes a
point in some people’s lives when they have to make a fundamental choice; and
that point arrived in the lives of Kausar and her brother. They could keep
watching and hope the Abu would leave after expending his pent-up anger, merely
beating their parents to a pulp instead of killing them. Or they could do
something about it.
They decided to do something about it.
By “decide”, I don’t suppose they held some
kind of confabulation there on the floor under the bed. No, the “decision”
would have been on the spur of the moment, and Kausar’s own words after the
incident give the idea that she was the prime mover in what happened next:
"I couldn’t bear my father’s
humiliation...I thought I should try the bold act of encountering
militants before dying."
The word “encounter” in this sentence may
be difficult for the uninitiated to understand. After all, hadn’t Kausar
already “encountered” the militants? Well, actually, this word has a special
meaning in India. “Encountered”, in Indian police and military lexicon, means “had
a firefight with”. There’s a whole deeper layer of meaning to it, because you
can take it almost for granted that when the cops claim to have eliminated a
gangster or terrorist in an “encounter”, what they actually mean is that they
arrested him and then shot him in a staged gunfight. It’s so much part of the
Indian culture that the word has even become shorthand for “kill with legal
Also, Kausar obviously had no illusions
about what her fate would be; she’d obviously decided that being killed was
inevitable – and preferable – to watching this home invasion any longer. She
felt she had no choice in the matter.
Here’s a bit of advice, gratis: If you’re set
on a course of violence against someone, never, ever, leave them no way out.
Once you leave them with no alternatives, you’ve pretty much cooked your own
If Abu Osama had ever known that, he’d
forgotten it by that time. Too bad.
Because this is what Rukhsana’s decision to
“encounter” her uninvited guests led to: she and her brother rushed out from under the bed, grabbed
an axe which happened to be in the room, and gave Abu Osama an almighty whack across
the back of the head with it. As he – not unexpectedly – collapsed from this
sudden and unexpected assault from the rear, she grabbed his AK 47, hit him with the stock, turned it
on him, and pumped him full of bullets.
The great Lashkar e Toiba commander with a
price on his head had been smoked by an outraged teenage girl who had never held
a gun before in her life.
Yes, you read that right. Rukhsana Kausar
had never before touched a firearm in her life, had never fired a thing. How
did she know how to shoot it?
had watched movies.
I’m not joking. Her words:
"I had never touched a rifle before
this, let alone fired one -
but I had seen heroes firing in films and I tried the same way. Somehow I gathered courage."
but I had seen heroes firing in films and I tried the same way. Somehow I gathered courage."
Somehow I get the idea that Rukhsana Kausar
is a young woman it wouldn’t be a good idea to cross.
At this point it would be appropriate to
mention that if Abu Osama had taken the elementary precaution to, you know, keep his safety catch on, he might have
survived with nothing worse than a cracked skull (do you recall the last action
movie to show anyone taking off a safety before blasting away? I don’t). I don’t
know if they left out that little detail in Lashkar training camp or he thought
it was macho to wander around with his safety off. I suspect the former,
...having gunned down Abu Osama, Kausar
turned her gun on the other two, and shot and wounded one of them. The two formerly
brave freedom fighters promptly ran for their lives, dropping one of their
guns, which Kausar then tossed to Aijaz. Apparently this gun also had its safety off. The brother and
sister then began a brisk firefight with the two to five (depending on whom you
believe) terrorists outside, which lasted – according to some accounts – up to
four hours. I find that somewhat hard to
believe because I don’t see how two AK magazines, even full, could last that long,
and I don’t recall the last action movie which showed anyone changing
magazines, either. I have, however, no problem believing that the gunfight
seemed to last four hours to the
people inside the house. At some point in the proceedings, Kausar’s uncle took
a bullet in the arm, but that was the only casualty on the side of the good
guys. As for the terrorists, later on the police found blood trails, in the plural.
Never, ever, thoroughly piss off someone
and then leave them with nothing to lose, is the message I’ll keep repeating.
Having finally had enough, Abu Osama’s
thoroughly defeated men withdrew, and Kausar and her brother shepherded her
family to the nearest police outpost, Aijaz firing into the air at intervals to
keep away the terrorists. I think they’d had enough for one night anyway.
(Later on, there were revenge attacks on
Kausar’s family home, including grenade attacks. But nobody was hurt because
they had been relocated by the government to accommodation in a protected area,
and besides, the grenades missed the house. The Lashkar’s grenade-throwing
training also needs work,)
Rukhsana and her brother went on to get
medals for bravery, which is actually...not quite enough recognition for what
they did, come to think of it. Rukhsana was appointed a constable in the Jammu police, which means that now she has legal licence to blow away terrorists if they come calling, and presumably knows a little more about guns, too. The siblings also got some money for Abu Osama’s by now
cracked and very dead head.
They also taught the Lashkar a lesson: for the third
time, never push someone to the point
where they have nothing to lose.
I doubt the Lashkar took it, though.
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She has that gun to remind them. |
I was reading pro forma until I came upon the part about Rukhsana, at which point I became riveted. A great story, all the better because it is true. Fabulous.
ReplyDeleteAs a very minor side point, having been trained in the use of firearms, I find that the way they are depicted in the movies and on TV is ludicrous.
This is brilliant, disturbing, moving. Brilliant. You are amazing, Bill the Butcher.
ReplyDeleteWow, Bill. Great story and good lesson for the bad guys, too.
ReplyDelete. . the real meaning of a 'freedom fighter'!
ReplyDeleteBill, excellent story and a damn good lesson. Never leave a person with no way out. Never, ever put a person into a position where they have nothing left to lose.
ReplyDeleteAlso, having survived numerous firefights in Vietnam, what lasts on the clock, just a few minutes CAN in fact seem like it lasted much, much longer. They may not change magazines in the movies, I still remember the old 1950's TV Westerns where the good guys AND the bad guys had six shooters that seemed to have an auto-reload feature as they never, ever reloaded after six shots, they fired many times six without the need to eject spent shell casings and reload each chamber in their revolvers. Yeah, a six shooter that shot 20 - 30 times without reloading. Amazing tech back in the late 1800's.
Movies are fantasy, real war, well, you Do reload when the magazine is empty. Been there too many times in real war.
Once again, excellent story and NO, I'd not want to be on the bad side of this lady, ever.
Hope your hand's better, Charlie. What happened?
DeleteSome how I pinched a nerve in my right elbow. Deadened the forearm and hand. I wear a brace mostly at night now and it is getting better, slowly. The doc said it may take two months to get back to normal. Oh well, I am getting old so it just goes with the territory I suppose.
DeleteHope that you and yours are well. I know what it is like to be short on electricity. I've lived through a few big hurricanes in the last 13+ years. Katrina and Rita were the worst and we had no power for some days. I did buy a generator before Katrina hit so we were a bit prepared.
Thanks for asking, I just guess that old age is telling me something. Unfortunately, it and I do not speak the same language......LOL.
Take care of yourself. I always enjoy your work here. Very informative or entertaining. If I ever win the lottery, I'd like to get your work published as I am sure others who have not found your web site would enjoy your work also.